How Different is the Safety Management Process and Systems Used in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabian Chemical Process Factories?

How Different is the Safety Management Process and Systems Used in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabian Chemical Process Factories?

fine the attachments. you will find the guide for the dissertation and the steps how do it.
the second attachment is the proposal for dissertation . and the third one is data collection which mean the issues and data need to cover it and write about it in the final report( dissertation) .
when you open the data collection will see somethings in Red ink ,could you answer it and its need more to concentrate and explain it in correct way .

1- make sure using the Saudi Arabia sources.
2- sources are easy to access in it and available in websites.
the language writing is international student in final year.
3- send to me every steps will do or done , ( the supervisor he will always asking about the steps and have regular weekly meeting with him )