Dissertation and Research Project-Factors Affecting the Growth of Apple 

The purpose of this chapter is to justify the topic of the dissertation or research project as being worthy of research.
To do this successful the student should:
• Introduce the topic and its context.
• Locate the topic within current academic literature.
• Draw from non-academic literature sources (e.g. specific company literature, government reports, newspapers etc.) to demonstrate the wider relevance of the topic.
• Show the contemporary nature of the study.
• Present the research questions to be studied as a logical consequence of the argument they have constructed.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Proportion of word count, approximately 10%)
2- Literature Review
Do not cut and paste text into the literature review.
The purpose of this chapter is to review and critically analyse the academic literature pertinent to the research question(s) this chapter also provides material to be used in the data collection stage.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Ensure the reviewed literature is relevant by using the research question(s) as sub-headings, at least in the draft stage.
• Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the academic debates relevant to their topic.
• Critically analyse key contributions, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, testing their internal consistency, and acknowledging and presenting the inevitable counter-arguments.
• Avoid presenting literature uncritically this does not demonstrate understanding.
• Avoid presenting only the positive side of an argument, as a researcher he/she must acknowledge and evaluate the negative aspects of their chosen topic.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 30%)
Chapter 3-Research Methodology
The purpose of this chapter is to justify the research methodology chosen by the student as following accepted academic convention.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Support and substantiate his/her claims throughout with reference to appropriate research methodology literature.
• Justify the research strategy chosen.
• Ensure the strategy is consistent with his/her identified research approach (qualitative or quantitative for example).
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the type of research approach chosen and the data collection methods employed.
• Identify the limitations of the research.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 15%)
Chapter 4-Results, Analysis & Discussion
The purpose of this chapter is to present the data and analyse the findings in relation to the literature reviewed in chapter two.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Ensure relevance by using the research questions as sub-headings, at least in the draft stage.
• Present the data in a clear and coherent manner, using tables, graphs etc. as he/she sees fit.
• Critically discuss the findings in relation to the literature in chapter two, identifying areas of agreement and disagreement, and give some thought as to why the results he/she obtained were so.
• Identify any results that were puzzling or unexpected and consider why this was so.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 35%)
Chapter 5 – Conclusions, Implications & Recommendations
The purpose of this chapter is to conclude the study by drawing together all the key points and to identify recommendations drawn from the research.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Conclude the study effectively by drawing together all the main issues, state their implications and make recommendations – presenting them in a coherent narrative.
• Reflect upon the process of the research identifying what went well and what should have been done differently.
• Identify the limitations of the study.
• Identify any areas of further study highlighted during the research process.
• Include any personal/professional reflections.
• Summarise the whole of the study.
(Word count 10%)

Guidelines on format and presentation
Your Masters Dissertation or Research Project is the most important single piece of work that you will complete in working towards achievement of your degree. It is important to present your dissertation according to the general standards expected throughout UK higher education. The following sets out the standards as they apply to your programme at Our Business School although your supervisor may recommend slight variations dependent upon your subject area and approach to the research project.
Length 7MG002 (60 credits) 15,000 – 18,000 words
7MG001 (10 credits) 12,000 – 15,000 words
The masters dissertation or research project study is to be word processed and printed using clear typeface (i.e. typically Times New Roman, Arial or similar; not italic or fancy type), in a permanent and legible form. Where copies are produced by any means they must be of permanent nature.
A4 paper of good quality and sufficient opacity (typically 70g/sq.m white) should be used. Only one side of the paper should be used. A left hand margin of 30/40mm should be used, to allow for binding; right hand margins should be 20mm.
Chapters should start on a new page. 12 point size typeface and line spacing of 1.5 should be used for typescript of the main text, except for indented quotations and footnotes when single spacing may be used. New paragraphs should begin flush with the left hand margin. Any abbreviations used should be those in normal use; where necessary a key to abbreviations should be provided.
Pages numbers must be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Pages numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of each page.
Two paper copies of the dissertation or research project are required for submission to the University, and marked for the attention of the member of staff who has supervised the dissertation or research project (not the module leader).
In addition you must also submit the final submission online to the Turnitin Software via your WOLF topic. Failure to do so will result in failing the module.
Submitted copies shall be bound in a permanent way so that sheets cannot readily be removed or replaced.
The first page should be a title page, see the sample in the Wolf page men

Water Footprint Assessment of a small Brewery


You should submit TWO hard copies of your dissertation, to the GEDS office in room G01 32 Tavistock Square by 6 pm on the submission date noted above. These should be bound in some way, but ring binding is sufficient.
You should also upload your dissertation to Moodle. For this you should note that you will have to have your dissertation as a single word or pdf file.
At the front of your dissertation you must include:
• A title page, setting out:
• The title of your dissertation
• Your name
• The degree for which you are studying
• Your place of study (Birkbeck College, University of London)
• The date of submission
• A plagiarism declaration: “I certify that the work submitted is my own and that I have duly acknowledged any quotation from the published or unpublished work of other persons”, followed by your signature and date
• Approximate number of words (excluding any material in appendices, etc.)
• A contents page
• A list of figures, tables and photos
Please note that the text should be typed 1.5-spaced, minimum 11 font size, on one side only of A4 paper, with a minimum 2.5 cm margin on either side; and with illustrated material on paper the same size as the typescript, folded if necessary (separate loose maps and diagrams are not accepted).

The importance of CSR strategies in the grocery retail industry: Analysis of Tesco’s strategy to meet the standard of corporate social responsibility

General guidelines for dissertation: topic: The importance of CSR strategies in the grocery retail industry: Analysis of Tesco’s strategy to meet the standard of corporate social responsibility
The dissertation is more than 4000 excluding cover page, references, bibliography, table of contents and appendices. PLease make sure there is no plagiarism.
I will add additional files. I will upload my dissertation proposal as a reference to understand the topic of dissertation, but please do not take it as a reference for the work, if you think you should expend the topic please do so. Thank you for your help.

Dissertation Proposal

Question: Put together a proposal for your dissertation that addresses the following.

1. Working Title – Trends in Human Development and Poverty in China and India, 1990 – 2015.

2. How have you arrived at the Philosophical basis of your research?

3. Outline the aims and objectives of your dissertation – what are the specific questions that you will address?

4. Outline the methods of analysis that you intend to employ and explain the rationale behind your choice.

5. Explain the research paradigm that you intend to employ and the rationale behind your choice.

6. Outline the data that you intend to employ.

7. Explain the system of referencing that you intend to employ

8. List your indicative bibliography and briefly explain why each text or article is of importance.

9. Which journals/articles are you intending to use for your literature review.

10. Outline your timetable for conducting research.

DETECTION AND PREVENTION OF WHITE COLLAR CRIMES IN an Oil and Gas Company (XYZ Nigeria Limited) in Nigeria

Dissertation Proposal

1) Subject Area: Criminology
2) Working Title: Detection and prevention of white collar crimes in the oil and gas industry, with a special focus on XYZ Nigeria Limited
3) Brief Synopsis:

Corporate scandals such as Enron’s white collar crimes have dire consequences and their prevalence erodes creditors, shareholders and the public’s confidence in the financial system and business enterprises. These crimes are usually perpetrated by insiders (employees and management), hence the need to study them to help prevent recurrence.

4) Aims of the Research:

The main aim of this study is to deliver empirical evidence on the plausibility of utilizing fraud hypothesis approach in order to detect fraud. The principal methodology to be utilized in this study is the use of actual operating information from big oil and gas companies in Nigeria where white-collar crime has not yet been discovered on a grand scale.

The research objectives are:
1.​To identify the activities and organizational cultures that lead to the existence of white-collar crime in the oil and gas industry.
2.​Describing the preventive measures that stakeholders in the oil and gas industry should take in order to prevent white-collar crimes.
3.​Identify the measures that will aid early detection of white-collar crime.
5) Area of interest and problem to be studied:

The objective of this study is to investigate the operations of the oil and gas industry especially in a country such as Nigeria, with particular focus on company XYZ Nigeria Limited; and identify the possible loop holes in the system that makes it easy for company employees to commit white collar crimes. As white collar crimes are committed by relatively wealthy individuals, the oil and gas industry provides the best backdrop for this study, as the industry employees are some of the best remunerated in Nigeria. Also, as most governments usually focus their attention on other more visible forms of crime, this implies that they are not privy to what goes on in the oil and gas industry with respect to white collar crimes. Finally, most of these companies portray themselves as good social and corporate citizens, hence, they usually try to maintain a low profile and shy away from any negative publicity, therefore they, will usually not prosecute employees who have committed white collar crimes, but rather use internal procedures to discharge such employees from their services.

To help identify the magnitude of white collar crimes in the oil and gas industry, the following question will be the focus of this study:

•​How can white-collar crime be prevented and minimized in the oil and gas industry? How can white collar crimes be minimized in Company XYZ Nigeria Limited?

6) Locating the problem in the literature:
This study aims to do a detailed review of the available literature, which based on preliminary analysis, appears to be considerable on white collar crimes in general, but limited, especially on the prevalence in the oil and gas industry.

Some of the issues to be investigated further are the role of organizational structures in promoting white collar crimes, the role of wealth in perpetrating white collar crimes, the role of governments and the judicial system, structures and applicable punishment for perpetrators. Also, the role of the companies in reporting and persecuting offenders as well as the rationale for the prevalence among company employees and management rather than in collusion with external parties to the company.

7) The analytical framework:

This research will be done in two parts – one will focus on the review of existing literature while the other will focus on the use of questionnaires and focus groups.

Analyzing of the past literature studies to facilitate understanding, their relevance and applicability of their conclusions. This will involve the use of secondary data; hence, qualitative data analysis will be used in order to arrive at conclusions and recommendations.

While for the questionnaires and focus groups the use of quantitative as well as qualitative analysis will be used

Some of the expected findings of this research are the role of complex company structure; complex relationships between diverse stakeholders; the relationship between reward incentives and motivation of employees versus corporate structure and executive behavior; the central role of executive management; etcetera, all have on perpetrating white collar crimes

8) Proposed Chapters:
The below highlights the possible titles and sequences that will be used to document the outcomes of this research.

Introduction: This will be an introduction to the topic, detailing why the study is relevant and the aims of the research.
Background: This will give a brief background of the oil and gas industry, its relevance to a country such as Nigeria and hence the importance and/or relevance of this study to the economy of such a country.
Past research: this will look at existing literature, to review what has been done previously, what is lacking, what still need to be done and how the lessons learnt from the past analysis can be used in the modern day oil and gas companies to detect and prevent white collar crimes.
Methodology: This will explain in detail the chosen methodology for conducting this research and why these have been selected as the best methods based on past literature and access to the various sources of data and company personnel.
Analysis: This will provide a detailed overview of both the primary and secondary data collected. The analysis of the data using thematic analysis, to identify major areas of focus, followed by further analysis to identify the various ways of detecting and preventing white collar crimes in the oil and gas industry.
Conclusion: This will put together the various findings and learnings form conducting the research, with a brief overview of the recommendations applicable to the oil and gas industry in detecting and preventing white collar crimes.
Further studies: At the end of the study, the researcher aims to identify possible gaps still available in both the existing literature and as a result of the limitations of this study to propose areas of further study to intending researchers.
9) Methodology:

Given the significance of the subject and the scarcity of previous studies on the topic, this study will utilize both qualitative and quantitative research designs. This will ensure that the study combines the benefits of both research methods. However, qualitative methods will be utilized sparingly in accordance to the resources available. This has been selected as the best method of data collection, because mixed methods help to increase the accuracy of research findings and the level of confidence in the results.

Qualitative research will be used to analyze data for the first research question. Two of the primary methods to be utilized are questionnaires and brainstorming. Brainstorming refers to an individual or group creativity technique of gathering a catalogue of spontaneous ideas contributed by members of the group or individually in order to come up with a solution for a given problem. This mechanism is crucial since it offers a number of feasible ideas. The analysis of each idea’s strengths and weaknesses will assist the researcher to conclude on the most viable choice.

The study will select the most feasible ideas through secondary research. Secondary research involves the summary, synthesis and collation of existing research, as opposed to conducting primary research. Secondary research will be significant in order to identify the most likely means of early crime detection. Since secondary research involves the input of other individuals, it offers rich information that will indicate the most suitable ways of detecting and preventing white-collar crimes in the oil and gas industry. The benefits for this study include the allowance for a broad study involving a bigger number of subjects. This will enhance the generalization of the results, in order to respond to the research questions and offer guidance for future research. It will also allow the researcher to summarize immense sources of data and expedite comparisons across categories over time. This design method will allow the researcher to avoid personal bias since he does not gain adjacency to the participating subjects as compared to qualitative research design.

Focus groups are another means of data collection for qualitative research, it is a method where a group of individuals are asked about their opinions, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards a given product, service or activity. Each focus group should contain a maximum of ten individuals. These individuals will assist the researcher to understand the various dealings that take place in the oil and gas industry. The use of focus groups as a source of information is paramount since it results in gathering extensive data that will be insightful during analysis. One-on-one interviews will also be significant in collecting data for qualitative analysis. This mechanism indicates that the researcher will conduct interviews with a sample of respondents selected from the population. The sample will be selected using a random sampling method of picking random respondents without replacement. However, the sample size must be significant to alleviate substantial bias during analysis. This research design has its benefits, as well as shortcomings. One of the benefits of this research design is that it delves deeper than just analysing counts and ranks. This indicates that it provides detail and depth. It also simulates the respondents’ individual experiences and tries to avoid pre-judgments. Shortcomings include time taken to conduct the research. Collection of qualitative data is more time-consuming than quantitative data collection. It is also extremely difficult to make systematic comparisons. This is so since the respondents may provide widely differing responses that are considerably subjective. The success in using this research design also depends on the skills of the researcher.

For this study, XYZ organization will be approached for access to their staff to form 3-6 focus groups of 10 persons maximum per focus group. The selected individuals must have knowledge of potential white collar crimes that can occur in the industry. Another set of 200 staff (from different departments / units) will be issued questionnaires to collect data as well.

10) Ethical Considerations:

This research will involve collecting data from individuals selected using the sampling method described earlier. However, it is paramount to outline the potential ethical issues that may be involved during the study. The study will select a sample of respondents from organizations within the oil and gas industry. This observation indicates that some of the employees may provide unverifiable results that may affect the credibility of the overall research.

The employees within the organization are charged with the responsibility of undertaking positive activities for the organizations. Giving negative responses about their organizations therefore present ethical concerns for this study. However, in order to minimize these ethical concerns, the research will include a disclaimer that will indicate that the study was conducted to the best of the researchers’ ability and capacity. The research questionnaire will also include a statement that all responses will be confidential.

Other anticipated ethical issues include difficulty in gaining access to the participants and also obtaining enough responses from the questionnaires.

The use of secondary data also involves ethical concerns since the use of some secondary data may not be verifiable given the time allocated for this study.

It is better to use primary sources for key theories, rather than secondary sources and all these should be properly cited
Further Instructions:

In order for a good report to be achieved the following areas need great attention.
1. The title, abstract aims and objectives must be reflected in the work as a whole to ensure that the dissertation holds together.
2. The research instrument must be suitable for the hoped for research outcomes, and carefully designed to ensure that not only the method meets the need for qualitative or quantitative outcomes, but also that the questions are appropriately worded to draw clear, usable and appropriate responses. Clearly the chosen methods are a matter for you, but you should consider the implications of open-ended questions in self-administered questionnaires carefully. Gilbert’s book Researching Social Life may be able to help here.
3. You must show that you have clear knowledge and understanding of the theory of social science research, including validity, reliability, sampling and measurement. Your practical knowledge and understanding should be supported with appropriately cited theory. You need to show why you picked the methods you did, and it often helps to detail why other methods were deemed unsuitable.
4. The theoretical concepts you detail must then be linked with the research outcomes. So from X research analysis you can show that Y theory applies – or not.
5. Case studies are acceptable, but they should not form the bulk of the dissertation because they run the risk of dominating the work and turning a dissertation – a vehicle for conveying your own social science research – into an essay, which is a critical evaluation and analysis of existing theory and evidence. If you use X as a case study then the links to Y must be thoroughly and compellingly made out.

The dissertation will show demonstrate of research skills, powers of critical analysis and ability to write. A well-executed dissertation will:

•​ask interesting questions
•​investigate clearly thought-out themes
•​make thorough use of available resources
•​reach thoughtful and relevant conclusions
•​be well written; and
•​be clearly structured

Please examine academic debates critically and demonstrate ability to interpret data and relate them to a research problem.

There are a number of distinct elements which must be evident . These include:

• the exploration of the relevant literature
• a critical and focused in-depth examination of the literature
• the construction of research aims and objectives, and the clear definition of the research problem
• data collection
• the analysis and interpretation of the data collected within the framework chosen and showing a clear understanding of the findings
• the development of own argument through new understanding of the chosen topic

Should aim to use the material gathered to question and possibly modify original framework or even develop a new one according to findings. This will clearly require a critical approach

Findings should aim to persuade others to think in a new way or to re-examine this issue in a fresh light
The introduction should:
•​discuss the issue/problem which the research addresses
•​provide a brief rationale for the study
•​place the research in its social, economic and political context
•​outline the argument you are going to pursue; and
•​provide a brief account of the content of the dissertation chapters

The main body of the dissertation should consist of a number of chapters which develop the topic, identify and discuss the chosen methodology and analyze and interpret the findings.

Try, to keep all your chapters approximately the same length.

There should be a frequent reminder for readers where particular points fit into the overall argument.

The conclusion should:
•​summarise the main points made
•​relate these points back to the original argument and theoretical discussion
•​locate the findings in the broader context of the subject area; and
•​evaluate the research findings in terms of their validity and reliability

All chapters require a conclusion.

It is very important that the chosen research methods within the relevant literature be grounded on theory and practice. So, please discuss the theoretical tradition from which the adopted method emerged and critically analyze its effectiveness at meeting its objectives. Please, remember to justify why the research has been conducted in the way it has been conducted and the problems which arose with the approach.

Findings must not simply be produced without any discussion or interpretation. It is, important to draw out the themes of the research and discuss some possible interpretations and consequences of the findings. This will provide the essential ingredients of interpretation and critical analysis. Only relevant data which are relevant to the argument should be included.

Exploring child rights within Saudi law and Ireland law or chose my topic

I want to start my dissertation before to start my dissertation please read papers information dissertation Human Rights. I would like to Add this papers (timetable) for dissertation. In addition, I need to do some steps important for dissertation
Human Rights Programme

Choosing atopic
The topic of research may be drawn from any area of law that can be assessed by a staff member in the law school (who is not on leave). Consequently, if an appropriate staff member isn’t available then we will not be able to accept your topic. To identify staff areas of expertise please look here at the staff profiles: https://www.ucd.ie/law/staff/ and at https://www.ucd.ie/law/research/ Bear in mind that your topic must be within your chosen specialism if you wish to obtain a specialized LLM In choosing a topic you should first carry out a literature search in the area that interests you to see whether there is already any significant work in that area. Having done that, you should then approach a member of staff with expertise in the relevant area for guidance as to whether the topic is feasible and worth pursuing. Contact by e mail is the recommended mode of approach.
I need to submit my working dissertation title by the end of week one, so Monday the 25th of January 2016.
So, The rest of the steps in the papers that have been added .

Mining Existing Literature Reviews

3 dissertation topics related to your own dissertation research.
Using each literature review construct an outline Using Headings as roman numerals and the subheading as capital letters in the outline.
Compile a single list of the authors you see cited in each literature review and identify the topics on which each is writing. Use a table that identifies the author in one colum and a broad topic in a second column.

Write a brief summary 125-250 words of the literature reviews you mined to submit along with the outlines and author/topic list that you created. ADDRESS the following:
1. What do you notice about the organization of the literature review of the three dissertations?Are they organized chronologically, thematically, or in some other form if other, identify)? Why might the researcher have chosen this organizational structure? How do these themes relate to your dissertation topic. My topic is something along the line of : Differences in the performance of certificate, diploma, and associate degrees in Medical Assisting

physical ergonomic problems in a car repair workshop

my dissertation is about physical ergonomics problems in car repair workshop. Please i need the writer to follow the exact information that i will attach with the order and the information that i will give to the writer later because my tutor is expecting these information to be in the report. in this order I need 3 things
1- introduction
2-Background and Literature review
3-Experimental programme

and for the references it must be from journals and books and peer reviewed articles

Dissertation in International Management

1. Research Topic / Title

2. Introduction and Background of Research

Set the scene. Based on your initial literature review, identify what is already known and what is unknown. Why is doing this research important? Establish the importance of your project by highlighting its originality or why it is worth pursuing

3. Research Questions

Research questions this project will address.

Students are expected to rephrase the selected topic into doable, actionable research questions, which narrow down the topic and focus the research project. The identification of the research questions should be based on a short review of relevant literature.

4. Aims and Objectives

What do you want to know, prove, demonstrate, analyse, test, investigate, examine? List your project aims in a logical sequence
Ideally the aims/objectives should be researchable, realistic, and achievable.

5. Proposed Research Methods

How do you anticipate you will achieve these aims?

Choose and justify the research method(s) which are appropriate to address the research questions and achieve your aims and objectives:
• If a primary research approach has been selected, identify and explain
o The type of data to be collected
o How the data will be collected
o How the data will be analysed
• If a secondary research approach has been selected, identify and explain
o What data will be required
o Where this data will be sourced
o How the data will be analysed

6. Project Plan, Budget and Timeline

Detailed explanation of project plan, project phases, activity timeline and budget of the project tasks.
7. Issues to be considered

Discuss potential issues you may encounter during the research process, such as accessibility to the data, time and resources needed to complete the research, budget constraint, validity of the data, and potential ethical issues.

8. Potential use of the research findings

What do you expect it will deliver? What are the likely outcomes of the research? How will the research benefit the target audience?
Highlight the benefits, positive expected outcomes or innovative applications of knowledge

9. Conclusion

Summary and concluding remarks.



Notes on Formatting

Font: Arial or equivalent, please do NOT use Times Roman.
Font Size: min 11 point
Line Spacing: 1.5 spacing
Paragraphs: fully justified

Dissertation Topic A Correlation study on the combat status and deployments on subsequent domestic violence within heterosexual couples of military veteran

The topic is study on military veterans who no longer belong to active duty. The study is a correlation to see the level of association between those deployed and were exposed to traumatic events and those deployed but were not exposed to traumatic events and how that is associated with domestic violence now that they are no longer active duty.
Material I will load will provide What I wrote and to improve it and especially use a technical, statistic terms especially when describing the research question. Follow the RP Instructions. Have only one research question. Keep it simple