Design a program of
career intervention(s) for a target population. When selecting your population,
consider the career development theories discussed in your course. Design your
intervention based on the theory you feel would best meet the needs of your chosen
population. Interventions should include at least one quantitative and one
qualitative career assessment with a rationale for why these particular
assessments were chosen. (Examples of qualitative assessments can include
games, card sorts, genograms, etc.) Your design will include the following:
• Selection and description of a target population (e.g.,
high school students)
• Description of the needs or presenting concern of your
target population (e.g., enhanced self-awareness) based on research and guiding
• Describe the theory you selected: Include main tenets,
relevance to your program, strengths and limitations
• Objectives of program (e.g., engage in career exploration)
• Resources needed for your program (e.g., assessments, pens,
rooms, etc.)
• Length of program plan with rationale and meeting topics
• Selection and description of a quantitative and qualitative
assessment for use with population (e.g., Career Decision Scale)
• Rationale for selection of specific assessments (e.g., age
appropriate, etc.)
• Method of communicating or interpreting results (e.g.,
special report, one-on-one meetings
• Methods and/or model of evaluation (e.g., satisfaction
survey, objectives-based model)
• Potential issues, strengths, or obstacles to your design
• Appropriate references
Career intervention programs should include at least one
reference other than your course textbook. This paper should be presented in
narrative format using APA formatting. The length should be no less than three
full pages and no more than five full pages.