The lectures and seminars will help you to appreciate the different data collection and data analysis methods available to researchers. In class, we will explore a range of research methods that can be used to gather data (we call this the primary data). Seminar activities will provide opportunities for hands-on experience of how to construct appropriate research instruments like interviews and questionnaire surveys, and how to use them to obtain reliable data. You will also be shown a range of qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques, how to apply them and how to present relevant findings: essential preparation and practice for assessment 2.
For the assessment, you will be given sets of data relating to your research topic that has been gathered for you using research instruments developed in class. The type of data will depend on the topic but it is likely to be interview transcripts and survey data. You will then use the data collecting instrument (the interview questions or the survey, for example) to gather additional data yourself.
The Results and Discussion report will be divided into the following sections:
Discussion of the data
4-6 themes that you identify from the primary data and then discuss one at a time
For each theme you will look for similarities and differences in the primary data
You will also compare/contrast the primary data with the data from your literature review
Summary of key findings Appendix
Examples of the raw data collected and evidence of the analysis used
As part of the discussion, you may wish to present some of your results in tables, graphs or other diagrammatic formats. These will not be included in the word count but they should be used sparingly i.e. the number and quality should be directly relevant and appropriate to the topic.