health care policies

health care policies

This assessment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how health
care policies are constructed. You are required to analyse the process of health care policy
development with reference to ONE policy or one component of a policy within the Australian health
care system. The policy could be one that has been developed for the Health Care System in general.
Alternately, you may choose a policy that has been developed specifically for your immediate work
context. This policy may be one that has been developed to support the implementation of a
government policy. The required readings and learning activities in the Study Guides for Module 1
and Module 2 provide detailed information about the policy development process and make
suggestion for how best to approach and conduct a policy analysis and critique. Please see the
criteria sheet (page 18-20) for details and links to learning objectives.
Aim of Assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to facilitate the development of your skills and expertise in all
of the following learning objectives:
1. Recognise and critique social ideologies and theories which shape public spending on health
and aged care and health policy development;
2. Develop and utilize insight into the relationships between politics and power in the
construction of health and aged care policy;
3. Explore the concept that interest groups exert power and influence in the area of health and
aged care policy formulation;
4. Examine significant historical, structural and environmental factors which affect health and
aged care policy development and translation;
5. Consider the global evolution of health and aged care policies and the organisational patterns
of health and aged care services, with respect to the World Health Organisation’s
commitment to Primary Health Care;
6. Demonstrate an awareness of ethical and legal dilemmas and constraints involved in
formulating and enacting health and aged care policies;
7. Examine the impact that social, health and aged care policies have on disadvantaged groups
in society;
8. Undertake a critique of workplace practices that are bound by policy.

Criteria is :
Introduction (20%)Choice of policy or component chosen to critique is of an acceptable level for assignment (has depth and complexity and has significance to the health care system) (5)Reason for policy selection is provided (5)Clear concise summary of health policy being discussed (10)The policy or component chosen is at the level expected for the
assignment having sufficient depth, complexity and significance.
Reasons for selection are provided with a superior relevance statement
substantiating importance to the Australian health care system.Includes an exceptional concise summary of the health policy orientating the reader to the policy and reinforces its significance to health care policy in Australia
Policy Analysis (15%)Demonstrated understanding of policy issues (10)
Evidence of critical discussion and analysis (5) Superior in-depth
discussion demonstrating an excellent understanding of the policy issues related to the topic chosen. Strong evidence of critical analysis
of relevant literature is presented and exceptionally integrated to
support the discussion and analysis of policy

Conclusion (15%)Conclusions are logical and drawn from the policy
analysis.Conclusions are completely based on policy and related superior literature and demonstrate their potential significance
for the health services. Change suggestions are critically explained.

Presentation (10%)Writes in a clear and succinct academic style.Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation You correctly apply the conventions of in-text citations and for the reference list for APA referencing style Your writing is clear, succinct and consistently formal and objective in style; you routinely use relevant technical
language effectively and qualify all assertions.Your essay contains no
errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation You apply all conventions of APA correctly, use direct quotation sparingly and always paraphrase
effectively.You use the correct bibliographical format for all sources and sequence them alphabetically.This is a publishable standard

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