Evaluation in public Health
This is a course work to write evaluation for the Dandenong Sport for All Project using the Department of Health evaluation planning template for disease prevention and health promotion projects.
The evaluation plan should address TWO of the project objectives and TWO of the project strategies. In addition to completing the evaluation template, a short commentary (up to one page) should be included which discusses the strengths and limitations of the evaluation design(s) and data collection methods given.
• References should be added to support this discussion (maximum 20).
• Word count 2200
• Case Study – Attached
• Evaluation template attached – I have written in Red font for you to understand what needs to be filled in the template
Project: Community Advocacy Project—Advocacy Plan
To complete this section of your Course Project, address the following:
• Describe your public health advocacy plan.
• Describe the policy change you are requesting, including details such as how the policy might bring change to your community.
• Explain why the policy change is appropriate for your particular community and why your community might adopt the change.
• Explain how you might implement media advocacy strategies within your plan.
• Write a letter to the editor or an elected official in your community advocating your cause. Be sure to write a persuasive argument for the passage of your public health policy
• supported with statistics and information that are unique to your community (CALIFORNIA- PALMDALE). Refer to the guidelines provided in the “Writing Letters to the Editor” and “Writing Letters to Elected Officials” articles.
Support your Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course
public health
we have been discussing the issues of both final papers of both courses of Homeland Security and Public Health in Disasters in my program of master in Disaster Medicine and Management This order is to do the OUTLINE of the final paper of the class of Homeland Security.
Let me first remind you with the course description:
DMM 612 Foundations of Homeland Security and Defense
The United States has embraced the homeland security monolith having neither fully understood nor tamed all that it encompasses. This challenging course provides a broad overview of homeland security and homeland defense as undertaken in the United States since 9/11 and under different administrations. The goal is to provide the generally accepted body of knowledge required of the homeland security professional. The course focuses on four areas: the enemy, why they hate us, and the threat they pose; the policies and procedures enacted since 9/11; the key players at the federal, state and local levels; and legal issues critical to the conduct of homeland security and defense activities by the National Guard.
The student will be gain an understanding in asymmetric thinking, develop an appreciation for the growing body of literature in the discipline of homeland security, and have the opportunity to examine a key issue in depth through a term research paper.
NOW, please find the two attachments with this order that has the description of both OUTLINE OF THE FINAL PAPER (you will do in this order) and the FINAL PAPER itself (you will do in a new order later).
In regards to the length of this outline, this information has not clarified in the syllabus, however, you can estimate the length of this outline if you know that the final paper itself should be between 10 and 15 pages.
If you have any question ask me right away to avoid working on unknown details to save our time and avoid doing revisions many times.
Nonprofit Collaboration Analysis
Using the Foundation Centers Nonprofit Collaboration Database select three types of collaborations that operate in different policy areas (i.e. youth services, social or mental health services, community development etc). Read the attached description of the collaboration and do background research if necessary (highly encouraged). Provide a brief description of the collaboration so that someone who does not know about these three collaborations (i.e. me) can have a good understanding of their purpose and who is involved in them. Once you have provided this description, address the following questions listed below?
Please note that you should ground your analysis in concepts covered in networks and partnerships section of the course although topics pertaining to contracting may also be appropriate.
1. What are the similarities you observe across all three types of collaborations you have
selected in terms of structure of and/or mechanisms of collaboration employed in these examples? These similarities could be best practices identified in readings and lecture materials but also shared weaknesses.
2. What are the differences you observe across all three types of collaborations you have selected in terms of structure of and/or mechanisms of collaboration employed in these examples? Are these differences meaningful (i.e. could one translate a practice present in one collaboration into the others) and important (the adoption of the practice might significant affect collaborative performance)?
3. For this last question, give an assessment of the role of collaboration as a means of addressing complex policy problems using the cases you have selected and concepts from course readings to ground your analysis. In what situations are collaborations better than traditional hierarchical organizations at addressing these problems and in what situations are they a less desirable form of organizing?
Planning for Successful Advocacy Campaigns
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the Freeman et al. article and the advocacy campaign examples “Indiana Campaign for Smoke Free Air” and “One International.” Reflect on each campaign’s plan, including elements such as goals, objectives, message, purpose, and media strategies.
• Research and select a public health advocacy campaign that is different than the provided examples. Consider your selected campaign’s plan, including elements such as goals, objectives, message, purpose, and media strategies.
• Reflect on the impact of your selected campaign on the development of health policy. Think about how the campaign’s plan contributes to the success of the advocacy campaign.
• Consider the role of advocates and public health organizations in your selected advocacy campaign.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post a brief explanation of your selected advocacy campaign (Nothing related to tobacco use or childhood obesity) including the campaign’s plan. Explain the potential impact of your selected advocacy campaign on the development of health policy. Be sure to include how the campaign plan contributes to the success of the advocacy campaign, as well as an explanation of the role of advocates and public health organizations in your selected advocacy campaign.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Epidemiology Study Critique: Child Abuse & Neglect
Article Critique
Public health professionals are often required to evaluate a research study. This assignment is meant to build and evaluate participants’ ability to carry out this task. Students will submit a written critique of an article which will be worth 100 points. These 100 points will comprise 15% of a participant’s final grade in Principles of Epidemiology.
The critique will include the following:
• An unstructured abstract of 200 words
• A narrative with a word count between 2,000 (minimum) and 2,500 (maximum) words. Word count excludes references, tables, figures, and abstract.
Students will be assessed on their ability to …
(a) select the most important points to include in the critique;
(b) present these points fluently and in well-structured paragraphs;
(c) create a logical critique that is well articulated and supported;
(d) craft a critique that is succinct and adheres to the provided instructions.
Your critique must demonstrate critical thinking in the evaluation of an epidemiological study.
References should adhere to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
Your critique will need to address the following ten topics. Each topic is worth 10 points for a total of 100 points. Each of the 10 topics will be scored using the following guideline:
Not Answered 0 Points
Seriously Deficient: Student reflects very little learning in CHSC 7520. 1-2 Points
Poor / Unacceptable: Student only has a rudimentary understanding of the topic. Student is unable to discuss the full nuances for a study critique.
Text does not flow well and/or is not written in well-structured sentences and paragraphs. 3-4 Points
Acceptable: Student is able to describe the basic ideas of the point and how they relate to the study. Student offers little to no insight in their response. Answer adheres to specified guidelines.
Text is relatively easy to read with few errors. 5-7 Points
Good to Very Good: Student is able to discuss the nuances of the topic and how they relate to the study. Student goes beyond the article and offers insightful commentary. Answer adheres to specified guidelines. We would be pleased to say that the answer reflects an example of what students learn in CHSC 7520. 8-9 Points
Excellent: Answer adheres to specified guidelines. Student discusses the finer nuances of the topic and how they relate to the study. The student goes beyond the article and is able to discuss how the article relates to other similar articles in the field. The answer is an exceptional example, beyond what is expected of students in CHSC 7520 10 Points
The sub-points under each of the ten topics are provided for general purpose. Some may not be relevant to the study; as well, other points may be relevant which are not included in the sub-points, below. The topics that must be covered in your critique include:
1. Research Objectives and Study Rationale
a. What is the study’s primary research objective
b. What is the rationale for the objective (why is it important to do this study?)
c. Does the study have public/population health importance? Do the authors justify this?
d. Is the rationale grounded in the literature?
2. Study Design and Study Population
a. What study design do the authors use?
b. Do the authors measure risk, incident cases, etc.?
c. What are the disadvantages/advantages of the authors’ study design vis-à-vis their research objective?
d. What is the study population? Is the study population well-suited to the research?
e. What are the eligibility criteria and how do these relate to the study objective/and interpretation of the findings?
3. Data Collection and Key Variables/Measures
a. What data collection methods did the authors use? What are the strengths/weaknesses of their data collection approach?
b. What are the key variables in the study? Is the data collection method suited to their variables of interest?
c. Are the variables suited to their research objective? Are some important variables missing?
d. How are the variables measured/defined?
e. Could you replicate their study based on the description of data collection and variables?
f. Do the authors address confounding? What confounders are included?
g. Would other data collection/variables be better suited to the study at hand? If so which methods and why?
4. Implementation of Study and Quality Control
a. How was the study population recruited?
b. What steps were taken to minimize selective factors in recruitment, retention, non-participation?
c. What safeguards were put in place re: data quality?
5. Findings
a. How many participants are included in analyses?
b. Were any subjects dropped? If so how many?
c. Do the authors discuss missing data?
d. What are the main findings with respect to the study objectives and “importance” ? Do you agree with the authors’ assessment of which findings are important? Why or why not?
6. Interpretation of Findings
a. How well do the authors account for non-response and other exclusions in their interpretations?
b. Does the study population reflect the target population?
c. What threats to validity are discussed? Which ones are not?
d. Have the authors discussed all relevant sources of bias?
e. Do the authors draw conclusions which are not substantiated by their results?
7. Linking with Previous Knowledge
a. Do the authors discuss how their findings compare with those from other relevant studies?
b. Do the authors discuss reasons for differences between their results and those from other studies? How well do they do this?
c. Do the authors offer possible biological or other mechanisms which could explain their findings?
d. Do the authors account for other concepts related to causal inference?
e. Is the discussion responsive to the study rationale?
f. Does the study advance knowledge?
8. Implications and Recommendations
a. What are the primary conclusions?
b. Are their conclusions supported by their findings?
c. Do authors address implications of their study and/or provide insightful recommendations for future research?
9. Overview of Strengths and Limitations
a. What are the strengths of the study?
b. What are the limitations? Are the limitations reasonable with respect to other studies in the field?
c. Could the authors have overcome some of these limitations with difficult
Introduction to public heath
Final Examination – Please read instructions carefully – There are four questions for this examination. Please refer to the final exam grading rubric for the first three questions of the exam, including compliance with APA Style format. Please page break after each exam question. References and figures are to be placed after each exam response and will not be counted in each question’s page limit.
The scientific basis for Public Health rests on the study of risks to the health of populations and on the systems designed to deliver required services. The problem-solving paradigm in Public Health practice is a model to apply this science. The key components of this model are:
• Problem Definition
• Problem Magnitude
• A Conceptual Framework (e.g. – Ecological Framework) for Key Determinants
• Intervention/Program Strategy
• Policy Development
• Implementation and Evaluation
1) Select a Public Health problem, something that you have not written about in any written paper or oral presentation in ANY other class. It can be something you discussed in the Discussion Board. Using the materials from presentations, the texts, articles and other sources, thoroughly discuss a public health problem or issue using the six components of the above model. You can devise your own implementation strategy, policy development, implementation/evaluation, or choose best practices that are currently in place.
Limit your response to 15 double-spaced pages. The page limit does not include references, tables, figures, or charts. This must be original work, i.e. your synthesis and interpretation of the data and information you use to solve/address the problem.
Grading will take into account the following:
• Comprehensiveness and use of various concepts and ideas discussed in class, in the readings and via the public health literature
• Relevance to public health and your insights as to the nature of the issue and various evidence-based programmatic and policy interventions
• Use of a variety of significant references and resources including articles and books, web-based resources, class textbooks, in-class presentations, among other data sources
2) Because of your interest in public health as a career or a complement to a health-related career, a producer at a local television station has asked you to provide input into a video explaining public health to a specific audience that you select.
List three themes or messages for your video, including examples that you would suggest for the video. What is the basis or scientific evidence for those themes? How would you use health education, health promotion, health communication and social marketing principles in the video? Limit your response to 4 double-spaced pages (not counting references).
3) Select 2 key public health questions that you are curious about and that you have not written about in any course to date, that have raised your interest in public health. How have those questions raised your interest and how might they be best addressed to improve the public’s health? Share your recommendations and the basis for those recommendations.
Limit your response to 3 double-spaced pages (not counting references).
4) Please review the Goals Analysis outline/paper you wrote when the class first started. Write a brief reflection of what you stated then and if you have made any changes or additions since the beginning of the course. Have any of the topics studied and discussed in the course, altered or reinforced your thoughts about your future goals or priorities in your current and/or future career?
Limit your response to 2 double-spaced pages.
The Final Examination should be submitted to the final exam sub-folder located in the Assignments folder by Sat. December 10, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. or earlier.
Please submit a single examination paper with the four components of the exam. Please do a “page break” after each question response so that each response begins on a new page. Pages that exceed the specified limit will not be read.
Five points will be deducted from any exam that is not posted by December 13 at 5:00 p.m. Papers received after December 10 at 5:00 p.m. (24 hours after the due date) will be penalized an additional 5 points. Submissions after December 11 at 5:00 p.m. will be penalized an additional 5 points. Submissions after December 12 at 5:00 p.m. (72 hours after the due date) will not be accepted, resulting in a zero for the exam and a failing grade for the course.
The grade on the final examination paper and its four components is worth 35 points or 35% of your total course grade.
Homeland Security
These two courses are: Public Health Implications of disasters (core requirement) & (elective course).
This order is to do the second presentation BUT as a GROUP WORK for the course of Public Health Implications of Disasters ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF PRESENTATION of how to do it from the professor, which can be found in the third file called, Guidelines of Presentation.
Please remember that remember that any slides without these guidelines means nothing according to the professor. This presentation is due in week 4 (the week of presentation) and the content of this week taken from the organizer is, please see the organizer:
Surge Capacity
1. Define surge capacity and discuss the relevance of this term to emergency healthcare in a disaster setting.
2. Describe the different tiers of response for healthcare systems as they ramp up for a disaster according to Barbera et al in the MSCC document.
3. Define the differences between medical surge capacity and surge capability. Describe methods to improve or increase surge capacity and capability in US hospitals during disaster operations.
NOW, the instructions of presentation itself are as follows:
1. Slideshow: The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability document written by Dr. Barbera and his colleagues is the de facto comprehensive document on ramping up healthcare assets in the US to respond to a disaster. It can be found on the US Department of Health and Human Services – A Management System for Integrating Medical and Health Resources During Large-Scale Emergencies.pdf.
It describes a systematic approach for managing the medical and public health response to an emergency or disaster. The MSCC handbook identifies recent changes to the Federal emergency response structure, particularly the Federal public health and medical response. It also expands on several concepts described in the first edition of the MSCC handbook to facilitate their implementation. While the tiered approach described in this handbook is consistent with NIMS and the NRP, this revision addresses terminology and concept descriptions to assure consistency with Federal guidance.”
This assignment necessitates describing each of the 6 tiers of response for medical assets as it appears in the document. Prepare a slideshow in which you summarize ONE chapter or tier of MSCC. Employ other internet resources, the DHHS website, photos and any other elements to paint a picture for the rest of your class about your assigned chapter. By reading all of the submissions, you will learn about the MSCC document without having to read the entire thing word for word.
*I will assign partners as this is a group project.
The assigned reading of Wk 4, the week of presentation, are:
1. Landesman chapter 7
2. Koenig and Schultz chapter 3
3. Medical Surge Capacity and Capability (Barbera, et al)
Selected journal articles
Very Important NOTE: Since the specific task or chapter mentioned in the question has not been assigned yet, I will be waiting until the professor does so and get back to you with the information of what we should do exactly after I coordinate this with my group mates.
NOTE: The required Texts for this course are, see the syllabus: Textbooks: 1. Ciottone, Gregory – Disaster Medicine, (2015) ISBN – available on line through library. 2. Landesman, Linda – Public Health Management of Disasters – The Practice Guide, 3rd Edition (2012) ISBN #0-87553-004-4 3. Wisner, B and Adams, J. – Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters – A Practical Guide, (2003) World Health Organization ISBN #9789241545419 4. Koenig and Schultz—Disaster Medicine: Comprehensive Principles and Practice, (2011) Cambridge University Press And the required reading assignments for week 3, the week of presentation, are: 1. Landesman chapters 3 and 5 2. Selected journal readings 3. Public Health ICS document
NOTE: I will I make a 1-page order until the different tasks divided among us and after that we can coordiante any other issues, BUT PLEASE UNTIL THAT TIME familiarize yourself with this presentation and take a look on the question of this group work and CHECK OUT THE LINK FOUND IN THE QUESTION, WHICH IS THE BASE OF OUR WORK.
Please respond to me that you’re ready for any updates from me regarding the specific part we will do for our group.
HLS Wk 2
These two courses are: Public Health Implications of Disater (core requirement) & Homeland Security (elective course).
As per our recent message, I have this order for week 2 belonging to the course of Homeland Security and Defense for the program of my master which is Disaster Medicine and management.
– I will start with the course description (taken from the syllabus I’ve sent you before): DMM 612 Foundations of Homeland Security and Defense The United States has embraced the homeland security monolith having neither fully understood nor tamed all that it encompasses. This challenging course provides a broad overview of homeland security and homeland defense as undertaken in the United States since 9/11 and under different administrations. The goal is to provide the generally accepted body of knowledge required of the homeland security professional. The course focuses on four areas: the enemy, why they hate us, and the threat they pose; the policies and procedures enacted since 9/11; the key players at the federal, state and local levels; and legal issues critical to the conduct of homeland security and defense activities by the National Guard. The student will be gain an understanding in asymmetric thinking, develop an appreciation for the growing body of literature in the discipline of homeland security, and have the opportunity to examine a key issue in depth through a term research paper.
-The topic of this week, Wk 2: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection (NOTE that there is a relationship between this topic of Wk 2 and the topic of the slides you’ve benn working on)
1. Assigned Readings
a. National Infrastructure Protection Plan
b. Dagger and Sarin
The assignment of this week, Week 2, is as follows:
1- Identify critical components – nodes, links, and regions of the country – that are highly important to the sector.
2- Do you think the greater problem today generally is too little security? Describe the consequences of too little security. Explain your answer.