Affirmative therapy
•In a 1– 3 page paper, write an analysis of the VFE™ session based on the notes you took while viewing the course media, your review of the APA guidelines (for working with LGB clients), and your review of the article on affirmative therapy. Be sure that your analysis contains the following:
?Explain and give examples of how the course media demonstrated effective application of the competencies/practices outlined in the article and guidelines.
?With regard to each competency/practice you selected, share insights that you gained from the dialogue between the two counselors/therapists that you may not have gained from observation alone.
?Comment on the therapist’s effectiveness in cultural competency, providing evidence to support your response.
?Based on your current level of knowledge and skill, indicate one or more recommendations for improvement that you would make to this therapist.
Support your Application assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.!AJlf7RQxK942Xu4