CH 2 “Road to Supercapitalism” FIND IT IN THIS WEBSAITE FROM PAGE50 TO PAGE 87
Reich – Supercapitalism – outline for Intro & chaps. 1-2 600\reichsupercapOHoutline1.
A. the coexistence of capitalism & democracy
1. early post-WWII period until about 1970
2. more recent decades
a. GDP growth
b. explosion of new products
c. increased business efficiency
d. the “battle” of the economic systems
e. societal problems
– who’s problems: capitalism’s or democracy’s?
f. capitalism has gotten more responsive to (market) wants/desires of individuals
g. democracy has become less responsive to our needs as citizens (i.e., to the
common good)
3. why has capitalism evolved into supercapitalism, while democracy has weakened?
Chap. 1 – The Not Quite Golden Age
I. Evolution of mid-20th century “alliance” among U.S. big business, big labor, & big
A. Big Business in late 19th-early 20th century America
1. tremendous industrial growth but …
2. initial governmental response to large corporations: antitrust legislation
3. second method: regulation
a. examples
b. many corporations not averse to government regulation
c. but, by mid-1940s, workers’ wages still lagging
d. setting the stage for a post-WWII “alliance” among Big Business,
Big Labor, & Big Government
B. Big Business, Big Labor, & Big Government at mid-20th century
1. Big 2s, 3s, 4s …
2. oligopolists decide it’s better to work together
3. Big Business seeks the cooperation of Big Labor
a. Truman Panel recommendation
b. how the general Business-Labor scenario worked
c. rising economic living standards & a growing middle class
– income (Y) distribution, job stability, & median
family income (Y
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