Drinking and Driving
Sociology TERM PAPER
The term paper has four parts. Each part should be clearly labelled. There should be no introduction and no conclusion. The term paper has exactly three references. There are no exceptions to this rule. You are not permitted to refer to any reference except the three explicit references that you are using.
In part one, select an article that explicitly applies a structural sociological theory (functionalism, the structural conflict perspective, the neo-colonial perspective, and the feminist conflict perspective) to a specific activity or topic that relates to criminalization. The theory must explicitly refer to the police or the courts. The article must be available as a pdf file from the library�s Primo Catalogue. The article must make an original contribution to theory and must not be a review. Outline and discuss the important concepts of the theory as developed in the article and review how the theory is used to interpret the activity.
In part two, provide a substantial critique of the analysis of the article that focuses on the theory being presented in the article. The critique will be your critique. Provide a theoretical advance (such as a new concept, idea, variable, stage, or process) that deals with the critique that you have provided. Provide a reference for your critique and theoretical advance which is available as a pdf file from library�s Primo Catalogue.
In part three, select some �news events� that take the form of the description of a case study. The case study will be found in a newspaper. Students are encouraged to use the library�s news resources at:library.wlu.ca/subject/news or the news component of google at: news.google.com for a suitable source. The �news events� must refer to the description of some events which have not been subject to analysis of any sort. You must refer to exactly one news event as reported in one reference. The news events must not be a report of any government or official agency and must not be numerical in nature. The case study must refer to an activity similar to the activity discussed in part one. The case study must have sufficient detail to sustain a sociological analysis. Apply the theory of the first article so as to interpret the events described in the news. Your application of the theory should make use of the concepts discussed in part one.
In part four, make use of the theoretical advance (such as a new concept, idea, variable, stage, or process) discussed in part two to further develop the news analysis. Discuss how the analysis of the news is improved by your use of the theoretical advance.
An article (references 1 and 2) used as a reference for the term paper must not be an article that is used or referred to extensively in this course. Each article must be available in the Primo Catalog and must be published in a scholarly refereed sociology journal. Each article must use a structural sociological theory (functionalism, the structural conflict perspective, the neo-colonial perspective, and the feminist conflict perspective). Each article must not be overly focused on the reporting of research. Each article must not report or use quantitative research methods. Articles must not use interpretive theory; articles must not refer to deviance instead of crime; articles must not refer to the mass media. All aspects of the term paper must deal with crime: the theory, the substantial critique, the theoretical advance, and the case study. Each reference must clearly deal with the aspect of crime that is being studied. Students are strongly encouraged to find their articles, references, and news events early in the course.
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