advanced statistic coursework
I am having difficulties doing my statistic assignment. I have read about people who used your website and I was wondering if you can help me to pass this assignment.
I am studying in London (Occupational Psychology MSc) . And I have faced two obstacles one is that I do not have any previous experience with Statistic at all and the fact that I have to study it and understand it in another language.
On my MSc course I take advance statistic subject which is assessed by two assignments. In order to pass this model I have to take at least 50% average mark from the two parts.
On the first one I have put a lot of effort to understand it by reading books, studying the lectures, online lessons, asking my friends and I also had a privet tutoring. However, still with all of that I did not manage to get a good mark on my first assignment I guess that Statistic and SPSS is just beyond my ability to understand it .
I got 45 the good news is that I still have a chance to pass this subject if I managed to get at least 55 on the second assignment that’s way I am looking for a professional help .
What I need now is a professional to help me by dong this assignment because I am afraid that if I tried again to understand, study, have private lessons it will not be enough to pass it as I explained I do not have statistical or SPSS background so it will take me a long time just to be OK with the basics and that will affect all of my other course assignments if I spent to much time just for this subject as I have essay deadlines every week.
Therefore, I will deeply appreciate it if you can help on that I am in desperate need for assistant because there are so many consequences if I failed it such as the fact that my scholarship is only for a year so they will not sponsor me if I failed and had to take the course again next year and living in London is so expansive I don’t think I could sty without a sponsorship longer.