social Practice art project

social Practice art project
Make a social Practice art project. It is about Something that doesn’t help anyone – the goal of this project is to maintain some form of social engagement, while ensuring that the project does not “help” anyone in any way, to assume that “help” may be unkowningly violent and instantly instrumentalized, and to have this project evaluated in relation to what’s left after we stop assuming social practice has to “help” at all.
Please description that details all necessary aspects of the project after finish, make sure the final work showing who you are doing with(stranger or a friend) , for how long you will be doing it, what part of it can see or hear about. and why you want to do it. You can show in picture or video. But make sure this can not identify you. (without your face sound….)this is a real social practice work. Please bring your work and description at the final. Do not download from wed side. Suppose your identity is International art university student. Make sure the final picture do not showing your face and best in door.
Important is you must design this project make sure no one did before.for example, if you want to play a game you must design a new game no one play before. and the picture you send to me must take by you self and at least 5 photo. 2 page particular description. Best relate to environmental issues.