Research paper need 1000-1200 words INCLUDE: four (4) relevant news articles from the past two years (24 months) and two (2) peer reviewed articles. Mainstream News Sources: CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, APM, BBC, France24, Deutsche Welle, NHK, NY Times, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Huffington Post IMPORTANT: single spaced, 1” Margins 12 font Times New Roman Proper citation (no factual statement without citation) Expected to be 3rd person format *no personal anecdotes, experiences, or opinions within them.* These are intended to be professional academic papers so there must be no personal anecdotes, experiences, or opinions within them. All academic papers are expected to be in a professional, third person format. All citation APA (Name Date) + References Page The Paper Should Include: Name, Title on top of 1st Page In-Text Citation References page Page #s MORE DETAILS: (between 1000-1200 words). The paper need to be single-spaced, 12 font covering how the chosen topic relates to current events. Paper will include four (4) relevant news articles from the past two years (24 months) and two (2)peer-reviewed articles. The paper is to show the real-world application of a specific topic within sociology. The paper needs to begin with what the topic is, a concise yet simple overview of the chosen topic and then how the topic is playing out in current, real-world events. No matter how you focus your paper please remember I want to see ALL conclusions and opinions backed by proven sociological facts. This is not the place to state your opinion on the topic and just present your side of the issue. All citation in the paper must be formatted to APA (American Psychological Association). These are intended to be professional academic papers so there must be no personal anecdotes, experiences, or opinions within them. All academic papers are expected to be in a professional, third-person format.