Topic: Qualitative Method in Health Research Assignment 1
Marked Assignment 1 consists of three written tasks (totalling 1500-2000 words). Each task will be graded in terms of both completing the minimum task and undertaking a reasoned, knowledgeable and scholarly approach.
Task 1: Comparing qualitative with quantitative approaches
Length: 1000-1500 words
You are part of a project looking at depression in adolescents including various aspects of experience. How might a qualitative study investigate the experience of depression compared to a quantitative study such as a survey?
a. Research question (How would the approaches differ in what is asked?)
b. Sample recruitment (How would the approaches differ in selecting people to study?)
c. Data collection (How would the approaches differ in getting data?)
d. Data analysis (How would the approaches differ in what is asked of the data?)
e. Inferences and generalisations you can draw from the data. (How would the approaches differ in the kind of findings that are produced from the analysis?)
Marking Criteria
Research Question
1 mark 1.5 marks 2 Marks
Adequate description of difference between quantitative and qualitative questions Clear description of difference between quantitative and qualitative questions and compares implications for study design Clear and detailed description of difference between quantitative and qualitative questions and compares implications for study design.
Adequate exposition of purposive compared to probabilistic sampling Clear exposition of purposive compared to probabilistic sampling, the strengths and limitations of each. Clear and detailed exposition of purposive compared to probabilistic sampling, the strengths and limitations of each.
Data collection 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks
Adequate description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collections methods Clear description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collections methods, and the strengths and limitations of each. Clear and detailed description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collections methods and the strengths and limitations of each.
Data analysis 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks
Adequate description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods Clear description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, and the strengths and limitations of each. Clear and detailed description of appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collections methods and the strengths and limitations of each. Discusses validity
Inferences 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks
Adequate description of what kinds of findings are produced from qualitative compared to quantitative research and their generalisability Clear description of what findings are produced from qualitative compared to quantitative research and their generalisability; Clear and detailed description of what findings are produced from qualitative compared to quantitative research and their generalisability.
Task 2: Grounded theory approach and qualitative research