Earnest Hemingway’s “The Indian Camp” explores themes of racism, sexism, masculinity, life and death within the framework of a story of initiation.

Earnest Hemingway’s “The Indian Camp” explores themes of racism, sexism, masculinity, life and death within the framework of a story of initiation.
Order type: Research Paper
Subject: Literature

Write an essay (not less than 1000 words and not more than 1200 words) on this topics:

1- Earnest Hemingway’s "The Indian Camp" explores themes of racism, sexism, masculinity, life and death within the framework of a story of initiation.
1. Before you start:
The main things that you should have in mind throughout your work on
the essay are:
? Avoid repetition
? Be clear and well organised
? Beware of plagiarism
? Show your originality and imaginative thinking / writing
2. Structure
? Clear Structure help you to do all the above, so you need to
structure your essay carefully:
? Start with an introduction that introduces the subject and
justifies your choice of it,
? State your purpose and your direction
? Develop your argument or analysis by use of subtitles
? Provide your essay with a focus or a thesis
? Show that you have a logical sequence of information
? Provide a coherent discussion of the topic
? Use examples when necessary
? Imaginative final comment
3. Format
? Use an appropriate format:
? A cover page on which you state the following:
? Your name and id number
? The title of the paper
? The course and teacher for which it is intended
? Word numbers of your essay (the essay should be
about 1000 words, the absolute minimum is 800 – and
the absolute maximum 1200 words)
? Towards the bottom of the page include a signed
statement saying that you read and understood the
course note on plagiarism.? Use one font throughout, and do not mix fonts without
purpose or function
? Use appropriate line spacing (1.5 or 2)
? Use appropriate margins
? Pay attention to your spelling and punctuation
4. Mechanism
? It is good to have varied word choice
? Select engaging vocabulary
? Use different types of sentences and clauses
? Develop a coherent discussion of your topic
? Communicate your ideas clearly and directly
? Avoid common sentence problems
? Such as long winded sentences
? Sentences with multiple clauses
? Incomplete sentences
? Minimise the use of 1st person and 2nd person sentences
? Show your mark; insight, and personal interpretation or comment
? Pay attention to your spelling and punctuation.
5. Bibliography
An academic bibliography is normally divided into two sections:
? Primary Sources: includes the main texts which your essay/ paper
analyse or discuss
? Secondary Sources: includes all other bibliographical material
such as: books, chapter in books, journal articles and internet sites
(in this order) which you consulted or quoted in your essay/ paper/
For an Authored book you have to use the following format:
Author Book Title in Italics Publication information
For Example
Sabry Hafez, The Quest for Identities: The Development of the Modern
Arabic Short Stories (London, Saqi Books, 2007), p. 422.
E. M. Forester, A Passage to India, with an Introduction by Pankaj
Mishra (London, Pinguin Books, 1936), p. 137.
If the book was translated into English, the translator must be
included, for example: Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge, trans. Alan Sheridan
(New York, Pantheon, 1978), p.
For an Edited book you have to use the following format:
Michael Shapiro (ed), Language and Politics (Oxford, Basil Blackwell,
1984), p.
For a Chapter in an Edited book you have to use the following
Fredric Jameson, "The Linguistic Model" in Michael Shapiro (ed),
Language and Politics (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1984), p
Pual De Man, "The Epistemology of Metaphor", in Michael Shapiro (ed),
Language and Politics (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1984), p
When you are not quoting directly from the above chapter, but referring
to it for further information, you have to include the full pages of the
chapter, for example:
Pual De Man, "The Epistemology of Metaphor", in Michael Shapiro (ed),
Language and Politics (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1984), pp195-214.
For an Article published in an Academic Journal, you have to use the
following format:
Geoffrey Hartman, "The Recognition Scene of Criticism", Critical