This task is linked to the following Course Learning Outcomes:
• Critically appraise and utilise project planning and implementation approaches and methods
• Develop a realistic project implementation plan using a variety of techniques
Your task for this major report is to develop a project implementation plan for change, for a project in response to an urban and/or environmental management or development problem provided in the course.
You will need to outline the project plan following a structure typical of project plan and fill in key sections. Further advice on the structure of the plan will be given during the course. As a minimum, your project plan should cover the following sections:
– Project background
– Justification
– Project goals / objectives, expected outcomes and limitations
– Project approach (responding to the question of how change will be achieved)
– A log frame matrix for the project
– A project risk management matrix
– A broad time frame (NB: detailed timelines, e.g. Gantt charts etc., are not required)
Your task is to write a well-researched, convincing, yet brief project plan that shows true potential for sustainably addressing the urban/environmental management problem. You are encouraged to use a specific real situation (e.g. an actual city in a developing country) for the project and describe the location and problem as part of your ‘project background’ section. You are free to change the sequence of the structure above and add additional sections you deem important.
Assessment criteria:
• Clear and concise description of the problem the project will address;
• Demonstration of key project planning approaches and methods;
• Use of evidence to establish that the proposed approach and activities have been tested in a real-world context and will work;
• Demonstrated appreciation and understanding of the project’s limitations, potential risks and challenges;
• Use of clearly structured outline and clear formatting for the report;
• Demonstration of clarity of expression (well formulated sentences and paragraphs, appropriate spelling and grammar);
• Use of the Harvard referencing system which clearly identifies the sources used in the analysis
• Use of at least ten references.