Concert Attendance Report.
Required to attend a live, orchestra concert near the end of this course and submit a detailed Concert Report. Pay particular attention to the paragraph that describes the format for a printed report.
You are to write a 3-page term paper giving a review of the concert you attended. The report should be in essay form, 12-font, single-spaced. Please be sure to cover every piece on the program.
• What kind of listeners were at the concert? Why?
• What pieces were performed?
• What was the style of each of the pieces performed?
• What was the instrumentation of the orchestra?
• Draw out the seating arrangement of the instruments in the orchestra.
Analyze each piece played in the concert with following criteria from the course:
• Unity and Variety
• Structure of the Music
• Purpose of the Music
• Tempo
• Volume
• Rhythm
• Melody
• Harmony
• Form
• Historical Period
Coursework GCSE, Health sciences and medicine Kinesiology
Coursework GCSE, Health sciences and medicine Kinesiology
Project description
Capstone Scenario:
You have been hired by a local gym with a base of 1,000 members to design and implement a for profit personal training program. Your plan is to be submitted to the owner of the facility for review. You must develop a mission statement, hiring process, payroll criteria – for trainers, daily trainer schedule, new member initiation protocol – including sample workouts, private personal training protocol – including sample workouts, and marketing plan. Remember to choose a specific location and define your clientele using actual demographics.
Format and Layout Instructions:
For this assignment, it is absolutely essential that you read, study, and become familiar with the rubric for the Capstone Project BEFORE you begin your outline. Give yourself enough time to write the case study analysis. It is important that you read and reflect on the content and do not rush through it. Be analytical, not descriptive when writing your case study. You may need to compare and contrast issues, identify the pros and cons of viewpoints and situations, and provide honest, straightforward solutions.
Additional hints for successful organization of your Capstone Project…
• Identify the problem (capstone scenario)
• Review and prioritize the information
• Select specific information from the scenario and categorize it according to people, place, or program
Concert Report
Concert Report;Music
You need to write two concert reports. Every concert report need be Chicago style.
The rest paragraphs need to articulate their perceptions, what is your feeling about it? it is very important to use the musical terminology to talk about your feelings. The last paragraph is a conclusion. Why you love or hate this concert?
Marketing Coursework
Paper instructions:
A prospective developer has identified a site in Liverpool City Centre which they consider to have development potential as an office block. You have been asked to produce a valuation for the developer in order to guide her decision as to the financial viability of the site.
The site extends to 1.24 acres and is currently used as surface car parking. Should they pursue the project the developer would seek planning permission for the site to accommodate 45,000 square feet of office space of which 38,250 square feet would be lettable floor space.
The projected development period has an estimated completion period of 30 months, of which the pre-build phase is anticipated to last 10 months. The building contract is projected to take 14 months and 6 months has been estimated by the developer as a potential letting void in which sales professionals will market the building.
The developer has arranged finance with a bank at 1.25% per month. Construction costs have been estimated at £125 per square foot. The developer hopes to realise a profit of 20%.
Professional fees are estimated in relation to building costs including an architect (@5%), a structural engineer (@2%), a quantity surveyor (@1.5%) and a project manager (@2%). A promotion and marketing fee has been agreed with a commercial agency at £60,000: £10,000 per month for the final 6 months of the development period over which the developer has hired a sales team to promote the building to its target market. The developer is alert to the risks involved in undertaking a development of this nature at the current time and has asked that the valuation should include a realistic contingency fee. Agents’ fees for letting the building are thought to be around 15% of the estimated rental value of the building.
The developer is confident that the location of the site means that upon completion it should command premium rates for office space. They believe this to be around £22 per square foot. However they are keen for up to date market intelligence on what might be a realistic rate of return including the degree to which subsequent rental voids in the form of ‘rent holidays’ might be necessary to populate the building in the first instance.
Finally, the local planning authority are likely to ask that a section 106 agreement is negotiated to mitigate the impact of the development. The developer’s previous experience would suggest that the net result of this negotiation will constitute the equivalent of 2% of the total development value and will be payable upon its completion. Given the provincial location of the development, however, the developer will try to negotiate this section 106 liability to be as low as possible.
In compiling your valuation you should consider whether the information you have received from the developer includes everything that you would want to take into account.
Prepare a short report (no greater than 1,500 words excluding presentation of calculations) which comprises a valuation, a commentary on the choices you have made in the compilation of the valuation and a recommendation to inform the developer’s decision whether or not to pursue the scheme.
References in Harvard style, atleast 14 references of reading sources
Global Changes
What Americans should prioritize in their understanding of global changes and why.
5 pages. Discuss the arguments and evidence presented by Fareed Aakaria and Thomas L. Friedman, consider the opportunities and risks facing the United Sates during this current period of changing global relations. Go beyond listing them and develop your own argument about what Americans should prioritize in their understanding of global changes and why. In this way, your argument will assert some reasoning for a particular kind of stance or attitude toward globalization. In this essay, be sure you -write a synthesis of the two texts -include and advance a thesis -develop an introduction, supporting paragraphs and conclusion to support the thesis/argument -integrate quotations into the grammar of a sentence -attach quotations with punctuation Follow MLA format:
-12 size font,Times New Roman
-1 inch margins
-1 inch margins
-Works cited
Human Genetic Variation: DNA fingerprinting
Topic: Human Genetic Variation: DNA fingerprinting
1. Introduction: brief overview and main aim (no more than half a page). You can paraphrase the sample introduction which is loaded.
2. Methods: a brief summary of the DNA isolation methods (no more than half a page). You can paraphrase sample method.
3. Results
4. Discussion: The Lab Report
#- use Vancouver style reference.
Ration formulation
Ration formulation
Task 1 (50% of assignment mark)
Consider yourself a nutritional advisor. You have been asked by the farm manager to evaluate the available forage and provide advice on rationing for his animals and he has provided you with the attached silage analysis. Using an appropriate rationing system, devise a complete daily ration for your chosen animal based on this silage and any other ingredients you think necessary. Write your report in a format which is accessible to a lay person (i.e. the farm manager). It should be brief and concise, clearly focused on the silage as described in the report, the specific chosen animal its requirements and how the ration meets them, with limited use of scientific jargon or citations.
Task 2: (50% of assignment mark)
With respect to the making and storage of grass silage, discuss how things can go wrong and how this can be avoided. Makes specific recommendations for change in the on farm making and storage of silage in relation to the silage analysis provided. This should be written in the format of a scientific report, with appropriate use of scientific references.
Corporate Finance
Assignment task
Select a company listed on an internationally recognised and well established Stock Exchange. Discuss how successful the company has been at delivering value to its shareholders over the past 5 years.
Complete an EVA analysis of your company for the last 5 years. Clearly show your work rather than using final EVA numbers from another source.
Analyse the Total Shareholder Return (TSR) of the company for the past 5 years, including any key events and compare with a similar company or appropriate benchmark. Undertake a current valuation of the equity in this company, using the following methods:
Net Asset Value.
Comparable Ratios (e.g. P/E, P/B, EV/EBITDA). You will need to look at both past results and comparable firms to analyse and justify an appropriate valuation. Note that simply multiplying the current ratio by the recent earnings (or book value or EBITDA) is not sufficient.
Discounted Free Cash Flow. You will need to forecast each component of free cash flow (e.g. Sales, costs, capex, etc.) for at least 5 years of forecast cash flows and estimate a terminal value, and then discount
. Make sure to justify all of your assumptions. You can find information to support your forecasts from sources including the MD&A section of the company’s annual report (or its competitors), news stories, industry trade publications and government or think tank studies on the industry.
Videos on how to estimate cost of capital and how to forecast free cash flow can be found in Blackboard under the appropriate Unit. Attempt to reconcile any differences in value that you obtain by using these different methods and state, with reasons, what value you think is correct for the company. You must clearly explain all of your assumptions used in the valuations.
Choice of company; Choose a listed company on a major stock exchange (e.g. London, New York, Tokyo, Mumbai) for which you can access the share price data over the past 5 years. Large companies will provide financial data on the websites, often under a section titled ‘investors’. More information on choosing an appropriate company can be found in the formative assessments.
Guidelines: The report should include:
a key point summary of your conclusions
graphical illustration, where appropriate
a bibliography of sources of information used and references to texts or other material drawn upon.
You should follow Harvard referencing guidelines
detailed tables, extracts or copies of financial information should be placed in the appendices if they are necessary to understand your report. You should only include appendices if you refer to them in the body of the report. You do not need to include the entire financial statements.
You should not embed spreadsheets in the Word document as they will not be seen by the marker. You should only copy those tables which are important for the reader to understand your work. Introduction to the Module, MBA 11 Financial data available includes the FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy) database maintained in the School of Management library.
Other special reports, for example, Company Focus, are available from the Financial Times Share Service, or brokers’ circulars issued from time to time by the broking arm of numerous finance houses. Data can also be found online from the company websites,, and other internet sources.
Ownership structure and corporate voluntary disclosure
Ownership structure and corporate voluntary disclosure — listed companies in China
1) Types of ownership structure(Block holder ownership, Managerial ownership, State ownership, Legal person ownership, Foreign listing/share ownership)
2) Voluntary disclosure
3) Liner-multiple regression analysis
4) Standard of the report (Important);
• What is the paper about?
• Why is this of interest and to whom?
• Briefly, where does the present contribution lie in the existing literature?
• Briefly, what is the argument and what are the findings of the paper?
• How is the paper organised by section?
Section 2 (usually literature review, pick a more interesting title)
• What is going to be covered in this section?
• Present only material directly relevant to the present research.
• Give a conclusion to the section, and use this to set up the motivation for the present research.
Section 3 (usually research design for present work)
• Briefly review the motivation adopted from section 2.
• Develop the research hypotheses, measurement of variables, and estimation methods.
Section 4 (presentation of original analysis)
• Describe sample selection criteria and any decisions about problematic data issues.
• Systematically present original analysis, weaving into the presentation careful interpretation of results, relating this interpretation to the research hypotheses in Section 3.
• Discuss any estimation problems and qualifications that need to be considered with the findings.
Section 5 (conclusion and summary)
• Briefly summarise what the paper originally set out to do, and the main findings in Section 4.
• Relate these findings to the contribution claimed in Section 1 and describe again how and why this is of interest.
• Suggest ways in which this line of research might be usefully extended.
5) Reference
The reference should be relevant to the report. Please use the Harvard style reference.
Advanced Networking
This should contain your model, with your findings. This should be presented in the standard format, with contents page, page numbers, headings, intro, conclusion, etc.
1) Introduction should explain what the project is about.
2) The body of the report should show the experiments you ran, and the results you obtained.
Remember to put captions under your graphs, and figure numbers.
You need to discuss the following questions when you write the report:
– What is your understanding about the packet inter-arrival distributions, why do we need them?
– What do you learn from the usage of the different traffic sources with same and different traffic inter-arrival distributions (constant and exponential used in this simulation). How it affects the traffic generated by the traffic sources.
3) The Conclusions – Conclusions should summarise what is contained in the report, and in addition what you have learnt about the model.