Business Report – A Computer-based Information System Proposal
Length – Approximately 2500 words
Task Rationale – A business report is an essential component to actively manage an organisation. Management uses such reports to plan and track progress toward its goals. A Computer-based Information System Proposal is a business report which is important for meeting strategic goals such as enhancing the productivity, day-to-day business process and customer relationships within an organisation. Successful completion of this report will give you an insight into how to plan a major upgrade in a business.
You have purchased a business which is located in a country town. There are no computers on the premises and all orders are taken manually. The previous owner had a terrific memory and knew all of his customers by name, but unfortunately none of this information is located anywhere on the premises. Inventory was tracked in a note pad, along with employee payroll, and marketing strategies. The business does not have a website, uses very little marketing except word-of-mouth, and essentially still operates the same as it did in mid 1980s when the business started. In order to improve and update your business you are going to implement a new Computer-Based Information System (CBIS). Although you are only implementing one functional area information system, you will identify other information systems that will need to be implemented in your business in the future.
Task Description – Write a detailed business report, that is, a Computer-based Information System proposal to convert a manual information system into a digitised information system. The report should strictly follow the following structure and word limits.
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Business Information System (About 500 words) – Partly from Chapter 1
1.1. Business Background – Give a brief introduction about business
1.2. Introduction to Computer-Based Information Systems – Highlight importance of CBIS in your business
1.2.1. Rationale of Selection of Intra-organisational CBIS – Briefly explain the reason for choosing certain intra-organisational CBIS
1.2.2. Hardware Explain why you have chosen this hardware – draw a table that includes a list of the hardware your business will use, the cost of the hardware and the URL (link) to the location that you found this information
1.2.3. Software Explain why you have chosen this software. Draw a table that includes a list of the software your business will use, the cost of the software and the URL (link) to the location that you found this information
1.2.4. Project Budget Using Microsoft Excel, create a budget sheet that includes hardware, software, installation, implementation, staff training and any other costs associated with implementing your information system. Include initial costs and on-going costs.
2. Organisational Strategy (About 250 words) – Chapter 2 (Section 2.2)
2.1. Strategies to Obtain Competitive Advantage in Your Business – explain that how would implementing CBIS help in advancing strategies of your business for competitive advantage
3. Data and Knowledge Management (About 250 words) – Chapter 3
3.1. Entity Relationship Diagram Draw an ERD of the database for your functional CBIS. You must include at least 10 entities in your ERD. Explain the functionality of each entity’s role and its relationship with other entities in the business.
4. Social Computing (About 300 words) – Chapter 8
4.1. Marketing – describe your social advertising and marketing plan
4.2. Impact of Social Networking Strategies for Business Expansion – discuss benefits and risks of social media on your business
5. E-business and E-commerce (About 400 words) – Chapter 9
5.1. E-business and E-commerce Solutions – Advocate benefits of e-commerce for your business
5.2. B2B Electronic Commerce – discuss B2B electronic commerce methods for your business
5.3. B2C Electronic Commerce – discuss B2C electronic commerce methods for your business
5.4. Ethical Issues – discuss ethical issues in e-commerce and how will you address those relevant to your business
6. Information Systems Within the Organisations (About 250 words) – Chapter 11
6.1. CBIS Expansion Plan – explain a future expansion plan and draw timeline for future expansion. You need to prepare Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart. Also, specify the task dependencies.
6.2. Reports – generate any sample report using software of your choice
Conclusions (150 words) summarise discussion and give recommendations
Appendix A (Additional information from any of the above-mentioned sections including figures, tables, etc.)