Is streaming good or bad, how it is and then narrow it down to music industry. Is it good or bad in the long run. Are the artists benefiting from it or not. Are they generating enough revenue to meet all their expenses. Which method is going to be used and critically discuss about that why that method and for what purpose. Lot of references would be ideal. look at Soundcloud, their problems at the moment. Spotify a great success. Apple music recently launched and how are they going to overcome the existing competiton. Tidal is a great failure and why is it so. Other companies like Pandora in US Kindly refer this website which would serve a great purpose, where they have conducted conferences with regards to this.Literature part for this topic is uploaded and kindly have a look the literature part and work accordingly.What method would be used as best and ideal one for this type and why is it used.Diagrams,graphs or any type of charts would serve as great resource.