Corporate Governance

Assessment Brief/ Task
The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
Your task is to review the theoretical and empirical literature on board leadership structure (CEO/chair duality), and the impact of different board leadership structures on firm performance. Your report should include the following:
a) An introduction to the domain of corporate governance and within it the role of boards.
b) A critical review of different theoretical perspectives on the concept of board leadership structure.
c) A review of the empirical literature on the effects of board leadership structure on board and firm performance. This should include a summary of findings regarding the impact of board leadership structure, and a discussion about the extent to which board leadership structure differs internationally.
d) A conclusion in which you put forward recommendations on board leadership structure.
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.

Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked are as follows:
• Thoroughness of understanding and evaluation of organisational theories related to corporate governance.
• Comprehensiveness of review of empirical studies on board diversity and firm performance, and international variances.
• Quality of recommendations and their evidence base
• Coherence of argument; accuracy of spelling, grammar and referencing