The paper must address the questions below:
What is ‘voluntary motherhood’ (see Gordon reading) and how this ideology shape public and medical policies about abortion and contraception in post-1880s America?
How did race and class complicate medical uncderstandings of abortion and contracpetion — as well as shape access to healthcare for women during this same time?
In addition, add the sources that the answers to these questions must come from
The Guidelines for paper are below.
A thought piece is a short writing assignment that thoughtfully poses and answers a question (or at most, two questions) in relation to class materials (which are the readings, as well as lectures/discussions/ presentations). Ideally, it is a vehicle for students to write critically and think analytically – but in a less formal style than would be required in a thesis-driven traditional essay assignment.
• Thought pieces must address one of the subjects or themes of the class broadly defined (if you’re having trouble discerning these, look at the unit titles and sub-titles on the syllabus, or the chapter/article titles).
• Students are encouraged to focus their ideas using the course material assigned (for instance, you may quote from the texts but try not to use material from other books or sources except to introduce questions or probe ideas from those texts). **Do not go to the library or consult web sites in order to do research for your thought pieces.** The ideas should come directly from you!