1. Background of the case study
1.1 What is infectious conjunctivitis?
1.2 Of the fourmicro-organisms listed below, justify which one is more likely to be the cause of Brian’s eye infection. Indicate why the other micro-organisms from the list are least likely to cause the infection.
Legionella pneumophila
Yes or no, with reason:
Plasmodium ovale
Yes or no, with reason:
Yes or no, with reason:
Escherichia coli
Yes or no, with reason:
2. Mechanism of action and adverse reactions (Total: 5 marks)
2.1 Describe the mechanism of action of gentamicin?
2.2 Name two adverse reactions of this drug?
3. Mediators of Signs and Symptoms
3.1 sign/symptom 1:
Explanation of this phenomenon:
3.2 sign/symptom 2:
Explanation of this phenomenon:
3.3 sign/symptom 3:
Explanation of thisphenomenon:
4. Infection control issues
4.1 Issue 1:
Discussion as to why this is an issue:
4.2 Issue 2:
Discussion as to why this is an issue:
5. Transmission of infection
5.1 Describe transmission from Brian to Mary:
6. Breaking the chain of infection
6.1 Identify procedure 1:
Describe how this effectively breaks the chain of infection:
6.2 Identify procedure 2:
Describe how this effectively breaks the chain of infection:
7. Presentation
7.1 Referencing in-text and in reference list conforms to APA 6th Ed. referencing style.
7.2 Critique supported by relevant literature as prescribed.
Correct sentence structure, paragraph, grammatical construction, spelling, punctuation and presentation