Application of Logic in a christian setting

Topic: Application of Logic in a christian setting
I am taking a Liberal Arts Math from a Christian school. This section is dealing with Chapter 3, Introduction to Logic, from the 12th edition of Mathematical Ideas. Below is a message board assignment that we need to provide at least a 300 word response.
Your assignment is to post a logical discussion of the consequences of a given belief. You will choose from 1 of the two statements given below. This is similar to the *if…then* statements you have been studying in the text except that this will be longer than part of a sentence. Start by writing out the statement you choose then the rest of your post should be about the consequences of not believing the biblical concept that you have chosen.
•Option 1: If a person does not believe that all people, both male and female, are personally created by God in His image, then…
•Option 2: If a person does not believe that the Bible is the Word of God personally delivered by God to all of humanity, then…
The first line of your post must tell which of the 2 statements you have chosen for your thread.