journal template

fill up the journal template based on your seminars and lectures and your own research
the journal template, lecture and the seminar will be uploaded . everything must be related to the lecture or seminar. To achieve a Pass with a mark of 40% to 59% for this element: You must satisfy these criteria: Learning Journal Entries Regular entries linked to lectures; Regular entries linked to additional tasks; Demonstrating development of knowledge; Reflection/Analysis Alluding to aspects already known; How knowledge or understanding has changed. To achieve a mark of 60% or over for this element: You must satisfy all the pass criteria plus: Learning Journal Entries Structured and clear entries; Indication of development of the students thinking and understanding; Modification and development of earlier ideas and understanding; Evidence of involvement in wiki based discussions; Reflection/Analysis Review of previous entries; Modification of earlier entries [showing how knowledge or understanding has changed]; Consideration of other arguments from wiki based discussions; Not taking facts at face value. To achieve a mark of over 70% for this element: you must satisfy all of the ‘60% or over’ criteria, and also: Learning Journal Entries Clarity in writing with conciseness of entries and related reflection; Critical consideration of earlier entries and opinions with suitable modifications; Links to earlier Journal entries; Use of practical examples to support thoughts and arguments; Evidence of reading, and sources outside of those set by the module team; Reflection/Analysis Show clear evidence of how your own ideas and critical thinking contribute to understanding of the topic(s); Develop a set of arguments that flow logically; Justification of arguments, with appropriate evidence/references; Clear evidence of analytical thinking. To achieve a mark of over 80% for this element: you must satisfy all of the ‘70% or over’ criteria, and also: Learning Journal Entries All of the elements form an appropriate, well presented, coherent and critical whole; Led wiki based discussions; Clear demonstration and evolution of understanding as the module and journal progress; Reflection/Analysis Show real insight into the issues