Dissertation Proposal Case Study

Great to hear you are interested in working on another project with me based on our previous work that I was so happy with! Thank you for the amazing work done before. This new project is an extension of our previous work with economic development economics in emerging markets. Please read the instruction below and let me know if you have any questions. What is new here is I am going away from a mixed model approach to a case study approach and need a new research question(s). The focus country is Vietnam and may include South Korea. Will forward you specific references in this regard later.

Thank you for looking at my new case study proposal project and I look forward to working with you on this big 40 page project.

1. (6 Pages). This project will become a case study research design and methodology based on Yin, 2014. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Sage. (Please use Yin’s 2014 methods of plan, design, prepare, collect, analyze, and share methodology. This has to be explained in chapters 1,2,3, but do not do any data collection).

2. The basis of this new case study approach for the design and research methodology will now have a main theme to take an economic development project in Vietnam to the next level, putting into the larger economic context and evaluating it in light of the historically-evolved culture and different forms of investment that have taken place. Chapters 3 and 1 need to be updated to reflect a case study approach to my methodology. (The research questions, mixed model methodology, etc. need to dropped and replaced with this case study design and methodology).

3. (12 Pages). This project involves reshaping some of the concepts of my existing proposal, but not changing the substance so much. What is first needed is to give the proposal a very systemic lens view (systems thinking) for the framework of the proposal by building on and deepening the work Ockie and Nam have done. See Ockie and Nam’s systems research articles to reference and write from (six articles enclosed). This will take up 12 pages.

4. (12 Pages). A brief history and background about Vietnam going back to colonial beginnings to understand how their culture and legal foundations manifested to date is important. See previous examples of other countries marked in my proposal and where to insert/merge this new information in Chapter 2. This will take 6 pages on background and 2 more pages for a very brief current day SWOT analysis on Vietnam in Chapter 2 for a total of 8 pages on Vietnam. Then 2 pages in Chapter 1 concisely explaining this in the run up of Vietnam in my introduction. Lastly, 2 more pages on Vietnam in Chapter 3 for what it is going to be researched with the how and why in my methodology with types and sources of data derived specifically from Ockie and Nam’s work that has already been done. Therefore, 12 new pages of new research on Vietnam + the 6 pages using Yin, 2014. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Sage. As my methodology and design for this case study. (Again, please use Yin’s 2014 methods of plan, design, prepare, collect, analyze, and share methodology. This has to be explained in chapters 1,2,3, but you do not have to do any data collection, just explain what, why, and how and sources and types of data that I will collect for Chapter 4).

5. (4 Pages). 4 pages to move and rewrite some of the most salient components of my previous work on system dynamics modeling (SDM) as a valuable tool in the description of poverty situations and how it could be used in this way from Chapter 3 to now be included in Chapter 2 in my lit review. The most important part of SDM is explaining how it works, so that the SDM models used in the ELLabs intervention are as clear and understandable as possible (See ELLabs/SDM work Ockie and Nam articles enclosed and the web). This is important b/c I want to build upon and deepen Ockie and Nam’s work on SDM that has already been done with SDM et al. including their sources and types of data.

6. (2 Pages.) I used the phrase many times in the current draft proposal: FDI, PPP, ABCD, and the adoption of SDM resource mapping (Moura & Forte, 2010). This needs to be corrected in all of them with this new case study approach. The problem with it is it seems like these four, intimately linked parts of one total approach have been used as an intervention to alleviate poverty. With the exception of Ockie and Nam’s ground breaking work with poverty reduction using SDM as a tool, this has not been done before especially linking FDI, PPP, and ABCD. Therefore, the question, then, becomes where and how does SDM actually fit? As such, SDM would just need to be set apart from FDI, PPP, and ABCD so that it doesn’t appear to be part of one packages of the four. This needs to be cleaned up, explained better, refined, and linked better FDI, PPP, ABCD with Ockie and Nam’s work in all the references of same. I will highlight and explain where in the existing proposal you will need to insert clarifications.

7. (2 Pages). 2 pages to draft a suitable or several research questions based on this new case study design and methods approach from the above and Ockie and Nam’s work to be inserted in Chapter 1 and the reflected/merged into Chapter 3 for the methodology run up.

8. (1 Page). Please rewrite the abstract and add a new title based on the above. The new titled should not be more than 11 words.

9. (1 Page). Please update the TOC with correct paginations/format, etc. so that the document works flawlessly.

10. 40 Total Pages for this new case study proposal project.

11. Please be very conscious with APA 6th Edition attributions (citations/referencing) so that all match and add up from the beginning. Please add 25 or more new citations as appropriate. Most importantly please use concision and write in Active Voice and not Passive Voice in scholarly prose as in the existing proposal and use the format and style you see in the proposal in US English and please limit superfluous colloquialisms. Use the para numbering protocol so that is all consistent.

12. Lastly, as I realize this is a rigorous, robust, and complex project, so please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, ideas, suggestions, and so on; on a timely basis and I will respond within 24-48 hours. Please update me on your progress at least once a week.