Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration & Practice

Required Text: Foss, Sonja K. “Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration & Practice.” 2nd Edition or later.

Read the following chapters in Foss’ book concerning each critical method and then write nine five page papers applying the critical method in Foss’ book (below) to nine discourses (movies, books, or speeches).

In your introduction, discuss important individuals who developed the critical method and then fully explain the critical method you will be using. Be sure to apply key terms and concepts (mostly found in the “analysis of text” section of the chapter) throughout the body of your paper. Your conclusion should discuss how the critical method you are using uniquely illuminates the discourse you analyzed.

Required Text: Foss, Sonja K. “Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration & Practice.” 2nd Edition or later (Source 1).

Paper 1. (5 pages). Ch.3 – Neo-Aristotelian Criticism: Beginnings of Rhetorical Criticism (Source 2 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 3 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 2. (5 pages). Ch.4 – Cluster Criticism (Source 3 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 4 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 3. (5 pages). Ch.5 – Fantasy-Theme Criticism (Source 4 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 5 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 4. (5 pages). Ch.6 – Feminist Criticism (Source 5 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 6 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 5. (5 pages). Ch.7 – Generic Criticism (Source 6 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 7 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 6. (5 pages). Ch.8 – Ideological Criticism (Source 7 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 8 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 7. (5 pages). Ch.9 – Metaphoric Criticism (Source 8 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 9 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 8. (5 pages). Ch.10 – Narrative Criticism (Source 9 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 10 to a movie, book, or speech).

Paper 9. (5 pages). Ch.11 – Pentadic Criticism (Source 10 apply critical method in Foss’ book chapter 11 to a movie, book, or speech).