This SLP will focus on Enterprise Systems that support a Finance Department in an organization. All organizations have finance departments. If you are in the military or other Government agency, the functions may be split. Your local organization may deal with financing the organization with everything except payroll. The payroll might be accomplished at a national level. In a normal company, the Finance generally handles both organizational and personnel costs.

Before reading about Financial Enterprise Systems, go to each of these websites and look at the responsibilities (i.e. the business processes) of a Financial Department.

Once you have an idea of what business processes finance departments accomplish, take a look at Enterprise Solutions for finance provided by one software company.

Go to : “Drive success across your lines of business” at SAP ERP website You will find a number of videos and white papers.

For this SLP paper, select the Finance functional area from the list above and review the site.

The direct link to the Financial Functional Area is:

Read the Potential Benefits section (there are four potential benefits) then go on to look at specific solutions to problems (there is a button called EXPLORE SPECIFIC Solutions). Take a look at some of the solutions.

Now that you have general ideas about what a finance department does and what an Enterprise System that supports Finance can do, please discuss the following questions specifically:

What are the potential benefits of one or more of the solutions identified by SAP? Specifically identify which solution or solutions you selected.

Do you agree with them? Discuss and analyze. Explain why you agree or disagree. Try and explain the benefit that the SAP solutions you selected bring to an organization.

Using the knowledge you gained on Finance departments and Enterprise Systems that support them, discuss how this enterprise module might be useful to your organization? In discussing this state whether your organization has or does not have, one or more Enterprise Systems for Finance and whether the people that run them could use the tools you identified.