Search and identify an organization which has faced or is facing some major operational challenges. Once you have identified one organization, perform a review of its operational challenges and the strategy they adopted to solve the issues. Next, give your critical analysis of the situation and make some recommendations.
A good report will identify the issue or issues and will present the solution. Follow the following structure (however, please don’t limit yourself to this structure only )
• Introduction
• Brief organization’s profile
• Statement of the problem
• Your analysis of the situation
• Conclusion and Recommendations
• References
The report, excluding appendices, should be not more than 2000 words in length.
1. Knowledge – Your work should show knowledge of the module content.
2. Understanding – Your report should demonstrate an understanding of the problem.
3. Insight – Your report should show an ability to analyze the operations inside the organisation and problems faced.
4. Clarity – Your report should be well structured and clearly presented.
You should include a short list of references to support your observations and assertions.
Assignment Guidance Notes:
Business Report Structure – 2000 words +/- 10%
Size 12 font, spacing 1.5, include word count
Times New Roman, Justified
The assignment should be 100% free plagiarism and 100% from scratch as it will be assessed by Turnitin