A balanced score card report for a fictional company in the computer industry named ACME computer group

Course Assignment: Balanced Scorecard Paper

Create a hypothetical business that will compete in an industry in which you are interested. Using
knowledge gained from this course and previous coursework; develop the strategic objectives for your
business in the format of a balanced scorecard. The strategic objectives are measures of attaining
your vision and mission. As you develop the vision, mission, and values for your business, also a SWOT
analysis should be considered AND conveyed in your paper. Be sure to consider all of the following
four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:
1. Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
a. Market share
b. Revenues and costs
c. Profitability
d. Competitive position
2. Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
a. Customer retention or turnover
b. Customer satisfaction
c. Customer value
3. Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
a. Measure of process performance
b. Productivity or productivity improvement
c. Operations metrics
4. Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
a. Employee satisfaction
b. Employee turnover or retention
c. Level of organization capability
d. Nature of organization culture or climate
e. Technological innovation
Address at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas
identified above (financial, customer, process, learning & growth). For each strategic objective,
address a goal and rationale to support the goal using a balanced scorecard format. The goal and
rationale to support the goal should be in quantitative and qualitative format.

(For example a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is “Increase in Market
Share”. The goal to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase could be
“Increase market share by 2% for each of the next three years”. The rationale to support the goal
could be ?Increase the portfolio of communications products, by introducing one new cellular phone to
the commercial market on a quarterly basis generating an increase in market share of 2% on an annual
basis over the next three years.?

Provide a 10-12 page paper that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives
from your vision, mission, values, and SWOT analysis. Note for this paper the use of headers (level
one and level two) are required specifically for the balanced scorecard strategic objective
perspective and measurement criteria explanation. Consult the APA 6th edition manual on pages (41-49,
62-63) for additional details regarding level one and level two headers, or contact me should you have
any questions subsequent to reviewing the APA manual. Points will be deducted if the level one and
level two headers are not included in your paper specifically for the balanced scorecard strategic
objective perspective and measurement criteria explanation.

Also, be sure to include the title page, running head and abstract in your paper. (The title page,
abstract page, and reference page(s) are not included in the page count.) This assignment must include
a minimum of five sources (published 2007 to date for research purposes), and cited on the reference
page in APA format. Post this assignment as an attached WORD document to the Laulima ?Assignment? link
by November 21, 2012, no later than 11:55 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time (HST).
Recommended Article Sources

? Business Week: Prominent magazine covering global business news.

? Dollars and Sense: Publishes economic news and analysis, reports on economic justice activism,
primers on economic topics, and critiques of the mainstream media?s coverage of the economy.

? Entrepreneur: Offers entrepreneurs the information, services, and expert advice to ensure
small business success.

? Financial Times: Leading newspaper of international business, finance, politics, and

? Forbes: Contains articles for CEOs and individual investors alike. Articles include profiles
of companies and private investors, as well as helpful statistics.

? Fortune: Columns include features on the marketplace, tech movers and shakers, career trends,
U.S. politics, and European business.

? Harvard Business Review: Premier forum of the business world written by authorities in
business and business education.

? Money Week: Comment and analysis of UK and international financial news, with investment and
financial advice.

? Wall Street Journal: Premier source for the latest global business and financial news.
Written Feedback

Content Development (30%)
Subject Matter:
? Key elements of assignments covered
? Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive
? Displays an understanding of relevant theory
? Major points supported by specific details/examples
? Research is adequate/timely
? Writer has gone beyond textbook for resources

Higher-Order Thinking:
? Writer compares/contrasts/integrates theory/subject matter with work environment/experience
? At an appropriate level, the writer analyzes and synthesizes theory/practice to develop new
ideas and ways of conceptualizing and performing
Organization (10%)
? The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews major points
? Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
? Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow
? Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme
? Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper
Style and Mechanics (60%)
? Citations/reference page follow guidelines
? Properly cites ideas/info from other sources
? Paper is laid out effectively–uses, heading and other reader-friendly tools
? Paper is neat/shows attention to detail
? Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed
? Spelling is correct
? Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
? Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied structure
? Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections help maintain the flow of thought
? Words used are precise and unambiguous
? The tone is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment