Analyze an article in your field (RHETORICAL ANALYSIS)

Analyze an article in your field (RHETORICAL ANALYSIS)
Please see attached document for article to be used for writing. Outline Introduction a. Introduce the specific piece of writing you are analyzing (the text) – what were the circumstances under which the text was created? b. Who was the audience? Describe the discourse community the text was written for. c. What was the general purpose of the text you are analyzing? to inform, persuade, collaborate? What did the author want the audience to think or do after they read it? d. Preview Statement — Indicate the organization/development qualities you will discuss in the rest of this Rhetorical Analysis. These must include at least one rhetorical appeal (use of ethos, pathos, &/or logos) and two rhetorical strategies (narration, description, exemplification, analysis of cause and effect, comparison, contrast, etc.). You may also include style or presentation. Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies (Body paragraphs – details of the strategies mentioned in “d” above) These sections will describe the strategies that the author used in the text, give examples from the text, and explain why the author used them. You can write paragraphs for several of the rhetorical strategies you mentioned in the introduction. In each paragraph, do the following: a. define the rhetorical strategy b. quote or paraphrase 2-3 examples from your text that illustrate the use of the strategy c. explain how or why the example illustrates the strategy and how it contributed to the author’s purpose in writing the text.