football hooliganism

my dissertation topic is on ‘does hooliganism still exist in football.

i need a literature review on this.
First briefly explain the broad issues related to your investigation; you don’t need to write much about this, just demonstrate that you are aware of the breadth of your subject.
Then narrow your focus to deal with the studies that overlap with your research.
Finally, hone in on any research which is directly related to your specific investigation. Proportionally you spend most time discussing those studies which have most direct relevance to your research.
It is very important to note that your review should not be simply a description of what others have published in the form of a set of summaries, but should take the form of a critical discussion, showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments, theories and approaches. It should be a synthesis and analysis of the relevant published work, linked at all times to your own purpose and rationale.

the literature review should:

• compare and contrast different authors’ views on an issue
• group authors who draw similar conclusions
• criticise aspects of methodology
• note areas in which authors are in disagreement
• highlight exemplary studies
• highlight gaps in research
• show how your study relates to previous studies
• show how your study relates to the literature in general
• conclude by summarising what the literature says


define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature;
establish your reasons – i.e. point of view – for
reviewing the literature;
explain the organisation – i.e. sequence – of the review;
state the scope of the review – i.e. what is included and what isn’t included. For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you might say something like: There are a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general population. However, since the focus of this research is on obesity in children, these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.
Main body

The middle or main body should:

organise the literature according to common themes;
provide insight into the relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area e.g. between obesity in children and obesity in general;
move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research.

The conclusion should:

summarise the important aspects of the existing body of literature;
evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed;
identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
outline areas for future study;
link your research to existing knowledge.

please be very critical when writing this, and stay focused on the topic ‘does hooliganism still exist in football’ use themes and past and present researches and compare and contrast.