Decision making
Case study
This assignment requires you to carry out a business review for the owners of The Fenwick Arms to assist them in making operational, tactical and strategic decisions about the future of the business.
Learning outcomes:
1. Be able to use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary
2. Understand a range of techniques to analyse data effectively for business purposes
3. Be able to produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in an organizational context.
4. Be able to use software generated information to make decisions in an organisation.
The report also should incorporate the following:
? Relevant primary and secondary research data on the current and future trends in the catering /hospitality industry. This data should be analysed using computer software techniques to process it into information for decision making purposes. You should use a range of sources to gather the data and apply a range of techniques in analysis of it.
? An operational, tactical and strategic plan for The Fenwick Arms to challenge the competition and become a successful and profitable business. This plan must be based upon the data gathered and processed in the research phase of the assignment.
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