Use references and citations. Do NOT copy work from another source without quote the author(s).
Plagiarism is an academic offence.
Write an essay on the following topic:
The impact of the internet on established media
In the last decade, established media institutions active in
traditional areas of the media have sought to adapt to the
challenges posed by the internet.
In your essay you must discuss the main ways in which an
established media industry had sought to adapt to the challenges
posed by the internet and analyse a specific case study.
Your work must be focused on one of the following areas:
Cinema and film (I choose this topic)
Book publishing
You then have to choose one media institution/media
outlet/media conglomerate within the selected area,
and outline the main ways in which it has adapted to
the challenges.
In presenting your case study, you may consider some
of the issues and topics covered in class (e.g. the
Political Economy of Communications, the comparative
approach proposed by Hallin and Mancini (2004), the
role of regulations, ….) as well as other issues that I
have not mentioned that you may well include. Read
widely and carefully. Consult both academic analyses
and industry information.
Your paper should be structured and analysed in the
style, and of the quality, of a Master’s degree
submission, with appropriate titles, table of content,
language, page numbers, references, etc.
Evidence of ability to research the appropriate
sources of information in relation to the development
of media institutions.
Evidence of ability to identify economic factors
shaping media production
Evidence of ability to critically evaluate the impact of
emergent media forms on traditional media
Correct and appropriate use of academic
conventions, including presentation, citations &
referencing style, appropriate English