Smoking Ban

Smoking Ban 
The debate concerning the consequences of smoking tobacco to those who choose to not smoke or, who are too young to smoke legally is ongoing. Evidence shows that the long term dangers of exposure to tobacco can be more dangerous for non-smokers than those who choose to smoke cigarettes. In response to the current knowledge concerning hazards to both smokers and those non-smokers who are in the same location as smokers, health professionals and the public have demanded that laws protect the community. Therefore, governments have banned cigarette smoking in public places such as shopping centers, schools and hospitals. Also, most businesses have allocated an area for cigarette smoking to ensure that those who are adversely affected to the by-products of smoking are not exposed to tobacco. Smokers feel discriminated against by these laws believing they are now branded as social outcasts and that others cannot make laws that prohibit smoking in private cars and homes. However, non-smokers and health professionals continue to call for even tighter restrictions to ensure the entire community especially children, are safe. This essay will argue that there are valid scientific reasons for the restrictions and limitations placed on cigarette smoking. When the health of those who have medical conditions is aggravated by tobacco smoking or when children are adversely affected, smoking must be banned.


Inhaling the smoke exhaled by a cigarette smoker or the smoke that emanates from a cigarette end is harmful to those who do so. Unfortunately, many are exposed to this smoke in circumstances that give them no say. This is especially so if these unwilling smokers are children or when the smoker smokes in a public place. Cigarette smoke has been said to contain many dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, ammonia and even hydrogen cyanide among hundreds of others (Gilmore, 2005). These chemicals have been found to cause or worsen respiratory diseases such as Asthma, Bronchitis, and Coughing. They are also risk factors for Diabetes, Cancer and Hypertension among others.


With some of the businesses keen to prohibit cigarettes smoking within their premises and governments also putting bans on smoking in the general public areas, their decisions to doing so are actually based on valid reasons (Chad, 2006). One of the major issues in these cases is prevalent complaints concerning public health. It is unfair for innocent children and other health conscious people who deliberately choose not to smoke to be exposed to the health hazards that result from second hand smoke. These people should, as much as possible be protected from these exposures. A ban on smoking in all public places is the right way to go. Designated smoking zones should be established everywhere so that those who choose to smoke can do so freely in those areas without exposing the rest of the people to the health risks associated with their indulgence.
Cigarette smoking also causes environmental pollution. In the US 30% of the population smokes while the population of smokers is higher in many other parts of the world. The toxic chemicals in smoke released to the atmosphere is therefore significant since there are approximately 4000 chemical elements in cigarettes as well as 400 toxic substances. These are left in cigarette filters and eventually find their way into water bodies indirectly causing adverse effects on the environment and consequently to human health (Wiedemer, 2002). Besides, cigarette butts left on the ground have been known to cause fire and this pollutes the environment which supports all forms of life. It is therefore not right to allow smoking to go on unchecked.
In conclusion, the evidence discussed establishes smoking should be banned in public places as there are serious consequences to the health for both smokers and those who choose not to smoke. Research into the effects of tobacco on those who have medical conditions or, for members of the community such as children shows their health must be protected. While some people, especially those who choose to smoke believe they are they are unfairly targeted by law makers restricting their behaviour, evidence clearly shows the concerns of health professionals and the general public are justified.