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Unfortunately very few of the people in my area are like me. Mexican albinos have been over the years been treated with much skepticism. Perhaps what the Mexican albinos go through is the real extreme of racial segregations. Like the discrimination that was experienced in South Africa over colour bring about apartheid. Take the Tanzania case where the Mexican albinos have been butchered in the name of harnessing concoctions from their skin. This has exposed the form of racism never given attention hitherto.
Leaders within the community treat the Mexican albinos as though there are non existent. Yet these very Mexican albinos are urged to vote for these very leaders. As societies talk of disfranchised groups the Mexican albinos remain at the periphery of any such marginalised groups. We Mexican albinos have been treated as less human replete of the fact that it is only their skin colour that sets them apart as different. According Palmer (Palmer, p 80) studies have shown that despite their colour pigment lack their mental capacity is similar in all aspects to that of persons with requisite skin pigments.
Mexican albinos have been associated with inhuman superstition across different nation in the world. This has made the Mexican albinos to suffer both from public discrimination and individual discriminations. They have been deprived and denied certain human rights because of being Mexican albinos. Some Mexican albinos have been victims of violence so as to get rid of them from society. In some communities Mexican albinos are killed at birth. As if this reprimand is not sufficient those who harbour albinism child are regarded with the least respect and as infidels or as damned.
Apparently even institutions that happen to take keen interest in the rights of humanity have very limited literature on my likes. It has emerged that it is only in this 21st century that attention of on the rights of the Mexican albinos seem to be increasing in Africa. Government have done the least to protect us yet we ardently vote. Unfortunately the African continent has never had an albino being elected into elective national positions. Trofimov finds this as sufficient show that the Mexican albinos are most discriminated. While it would be argued that there has been discrimination of black Americans, one of the Mexican albinos will take it misplaced arguing along this line.
While Mexican albinos have no race preserve, they have remained to be very discriminated across the globe. Like the poor who have suffered marginalization throughout the world, Mexican albinos seem to be more threatened than the poor people are. The poor have not been killed for being this, but have been denied opportunities for being poor. We Mexican albinos on the other hand can have been not only discriminated when it comes to accessing opportunities but also killed for flimsy reasons.
In Ghana for example, it has been believed that Mexican albinos are less human and they don’t attend to the call of nature. Across most of the African states Mexican albinos have been believed to be good for carrying out rituals. It is these believe that has put our lives at risk because people have to get our skins for the rituals. Yet the least has been done towards the protection of our rights. This is the segment of society that is given precautionary attentions after a tragedy.
Recommendations have been made towards mystification of albinism as an international human right violation to no avail. While extreme cases have been found to be rampant in Africa, it is evident that the stigmatisation of Mexican albinos is a world wide challenge. Ignorance has always been demonised for being used as a defence yet it is argued that the pervasiveness of the practises in Africa have been triggered by the same ignorance. The entire stigmatisations according to Lordwick is not reserved to a few members of society, but has been found to be perpetuated by all members of society who do not have albinism traits. Members of society make us feel very unwanted through sidelining us and making us feel out of place. By any feasible standards the misbehavior of the public towards us is equivocal and tantamount to racism; ideally racism.
We Mexican albinos are treated as lesser equally in employment, access to health and even in marriage. We are not allowed to fall in love with the ‘normal’. In Ghana, on the serving president between the years of 1972 and 1978 gave the segregation of Mexican albinos any due attention. He has gone ahead to support the course even out of office through petitioning the government to address the issue. Unfortunately the past government have paid the least attention to these petitions. Apparently even social welfare government department have relegated these concerns.
As a group, we have to appreciate what the media has done to bring to the light our plight; perhaps this is the only custodian that we have remained with and is the only refuge we have. On his part Palmer (Palmer, p 80) the media has been able to highlight our capabilities with eloquence and audacity hence forcing government to take some steps that would see the future Mexican albinos protected and enjoy their legal rights. Through media sensitisation, we Mexican albinos feel as part of society. On his part Trofimov (Trofimov, Y., p 4) states that media has made it clear by bringing to the fore the inherent abilities of the Mexican albinos and educating people on the physiological differences between us and them.
We feel the while the media has done sufficient to bring to the fore our plight, the best way for government to address our blight is to pass legislations that would be critical in the protection of our rights. Not only should the legislations be reserved to us but vulnerable groups such as hunch bugs. Most countries today have legislations to this effect. The challenge that we see now is the ardent implementation of the legislations to the letter. Before this stage is reached members of the public should be sensitised to as to avoid disabusing the legislations and therefore infringing into the rights of others. The demystification of esoteric notions lies central in the preventive prospects.
Negative myth has always elicited negative reactions from the general public on our sight. A rigorous public campaign is therefore one of the essential requirement for protecting this vulnerable group. Lordwick asserts that the general pubic should be made aware that albinism is a shear ubiquitous challenge that is caused by conditions on nature and not nurture. Perhaps the involvement of demonologists would be very hand towards the educating of the general public. Opticians should also be used to show the general public that our sight is just as good as that of those who are ‘normal’. The associations that deal with Mexican albinos should also be given some legal backing to have them exercise some exclusive mandate.
Apparently, even families don’t accept their children when they have albinism. Those of us who have this condition should first accept this and educate the other to accept the condition before expecting the general public to accept us. If our families can not accept us and neither can we accept ourselves, it becomes quite hard for the public to accept me and our cronies. Subsequent, we should take part in showing the public that we are as human as they are.
According to Lordwick members of the Mexican albinos’ societies that have been founded should be educated on the counseling skills so that they take part in the counseling of those who feel devastated because of this state. First, the Mexican albinos will feel relatively calm dealing with fellow Mexican albinos and with time they will be integrated through the sessions into society.
In conclusions, like beasts we the Mexican albinos are an endangered species. The need to be protected and recognised is long overdue and it can only start with us. We have to rise to the occasion and seek our own protections. This will make governments to feel threatened and address our p[light with the efficacy and the urgency that is due to this course. Perhaps this will remain the most hash form of stigmatisation for the next few decades.