Multicultural Group Counselor

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A major assumption that does exist in an effectual psychotherapy and counseling is that we always acknowledge the basic tendencies by understanding other people’s culture. It is imperative that we get to understand our cultural heritage as well as the global view before we decide to assist and understand other people. As counselors we should also learn to have a good relationship with groups or clients (Stacey & Dennis, 2000, pp. 483). It is important as a counselor to integrate some imperative factors in order to become a competent counselor as far as the culture is concerned. I am from a Hispanic decent and my parents come from the Dominion republic though I was born and raised inQueens,New York. It is therefore crucial to get an immense limelight on the multicultural knowledge, awareness and skills as well as discussing some factors that competent group counselor should embark on in their field of profession.

Corey et al (2010) has talked at length on multicultural awareness, skills and knowledge. They have come up with some questions to help understand more on this topic (Corey, 2010, pp. 22-25):

The Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey (MAKSS).

Multicultural awareness

  1. Disagree
  2. Very aware
  3. Very aware
  4. Agree
  5. Good
  6. Strongly agree
  7. Agree
  8. Agree
  9. Strongly agree
  10. Strongly agree

Multicultural Knowledge

  1. Good
  2. Good
  3. Good
  4. Good
  5. Good
  6. Good
  7. Good
  8. Disagree
  9. Agree
  10. Agree

Multicultural skills

  1. Good
  2. Good
  3. Good
  4. Good
  5. Good
  6. Good
  7. Good
  8. Good
  9. Good
  10. Very good

Group workers ought to be culturally competent (Anderson’s, 2007, pp. 230,). Counselors should embrace a more multicultural approach in their work. Competent counselors should understand the human behavior on the grounds of diversity and cultures (American counseling Association, 1991). Counselors should not permit the forces that exist in the group processes to cause injury or harm to the client (Anderson’s, 2007, pp. 231). They should also facilitate and enhance the growth characteristics and block all processes that can violate the groups. Moreover, group workers should be aware of the wealth, status and power that might result to victimization and oppression in group dynamics.

As a competent group counselor, I will first establish a mutual and a solid relationship with the group members. I will integrate my values, qualities and experiences to each group in order to bring a positive change. I will be courageous by willing to be vulnerable when necessary and admit imperfections and mistakes. I will hence examine my entire life and be honest and direct with the members in a respectful and caring way despite their cultural orientation. I will be completely aware with the subtle cultural concepts of the group members and identify with their concerns and pain.

To become a culturally competent leader one should consider the cultural, ethnic and other beliefs of the clients in order to handle them from the known and be able to address their concerns and worries. Multicultural counselor should take a more integrative approach. It is imperative to take a self examination and integrate our behavior, cognition on racial grounds in order to be competent.