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This report will examine the various aspects of computer information system management. These will include the necessary education, credentials, training and typical duties. It will also look at the potential salaries and benefits as well as future advancements in the field.
Brief background of CISM
The modern office or work place requires IT in order to work efficiently and more reliably. Computer and information systems management thus come in to administer and implement this technology to the organization. They are thus concerned with computer activities in the firm. Their work is to consult with the managers in order to come up with goals and aspects of technology such as internet, network and development of software. Managers in computer information systems are entitled with directing the work of IT professionals like computer engineers, programmers, system analysts and specialists (Jha, 2007).
Current directions in CISM job market
The global market is increasingly becoming competitive. The role of technology in the success of organizations can no longer be dismissed. Companies and organizations are constantly being faced with the need to use new applications in the workplace. To remain in the competitive market, companies will therefore have to install networks, intranets and websites that exhibit a high level of sophiscation. The most effective software will need to be adopted in order to deal with trouble when it occurs. Computer Information Systems Managers will be vital in overseeing these functions (Singh, 2007).
In 2008, 293,000 CIS managers held job positions in the job market. 16 % of these were in the computer designs and other related fields. This figure is expected to rise in the next decade by over 20%. The growth is far more higher compared to other occupations. It is therefore evident that those in the job market need to be more excellent and skilled to fulfill the job market demands (Wilson, 2011).
Among the largest employers in computer information systems management are financial and insurance firms, government bureaus, manufacturers and businesses. In essence the growth of the economy is almost directly related to the growth of CISM. The increase in jobs will without doubt enhance the economy in many countries. In the same way, the efficiency in offering services in many organizations will lead to increased production (Sadagopan, 2004).
Career Options in Computer Information Systems Management
Necessary education
Basically, prospects who wish to hold managerial positions in Computer Information Systems Management must have a bachelor’s degree in a computer related field. However, most firms now prefer to have managers who hold an MBA in technology. There are also the common major fields for undergraduate students. Such are: computer science, management information systems and information science.
For individuals who want to qualify as computer information systems managers, a lot of skills and knowledge about the field is necessary. Many employers are specific with details and require managers who express and possess a great understanding of the software and technology that is used for the job. In most cases most of this knowledge can be gained through working experience but that is not to mean fresh graduates are not required in the field. Professional certification also assists most prospective managers in gaining employment. They are often specific of the products and can be run by software companies (Marcic & Daft, 2008).
Similarly, managers in this field require a vast understanding and knowledge of the production practices. This is because they are entitled with making crucial decisions in the organization especially because IT holds a central position in most of the organizations. As a result many firms will consider hiring managers who have knowledge on management of businesses. Communication and leadership skills are also one of the many qualities that these managers ought to possess sine they are also responsible for monitoring other employees. Armed with these credentials, a manager can successfully explore the rich opportunities in the field (Marcic & Daft, 2008).
Training in computer information systems management varies depending on the level. Generally, it takes 4years to pursue an undergraduate degree in any computer related field. During this, courses training in computer programming, science and engineering is undertaken. Mathematics and statistics are also crucial part of this training. General courses in English and Communications are also undertaken as part of the college courses necessary to attain the university degree.
An MBA on the other hand requires two years to finish after successfully completing the undergraduate degree. During this training, the focus is on courses such as systems management, marketing, finance, accounting and design. However few managers rise to their positions with their first degree and earn their MBA later while still working.
Typical duties
The duties of a computer information systems manager are defined but may vary depending on an organization. Basically, they are entitled with coordinating, planning and researching on the activities of an organization. These activities are mostly computer related. Managers analyze the computer related needs of an organization and formulate goals and requirements of the organizations. In most organizations, they are also entitled with supervising their subordinates (Gallettta & Zhang, 2006).
However, they may have other duties depending on the nature of the organization. For instance, managers in an IT firm develop budgets and formulate schedules for the IT projects in an organization. Chief technologists on the other hand ensure that they evaluate the new and innovation technologies of an organization and determine how they can help the organization. The duties of a manager in this field may therefore vary depending on the nature of the organization and the level of education. An undergraduate for instance may have a different role with that of a postgraduate manager.
Salary and benefits
Salary too varies with responsibility and the specialty. For example those that specialize in software earn differently from those in insurance firms. However, the mean salary earned by managers in this field is $112,000. In addition, most of the managers earn extra money as benefits and bonuses (Appendices 2). These benefits are mostly enjoyed by those in higher positions. The following graph shows salaries earned in various managerial positions. (Gallettta & Zhang, 2006).
Graph: Salaries for managers
Field | Salary in $ |
Management of enterprises and companies | 115,150 |
Software publishers | 126,840 |
Computer related services and design | 118,120 |
Insurance managers | 109,810 |
Depository intermediation | 113’390 |
Prognosis for future employment and advancement
As indicated earlier, the employment rate for computer information systems managers is expected to grow tremendously by the end of the decade compared to other professions. Technology will continue to be an important aspect in many organizations prompting them to hire more managers in this field to meet this demand. In the same way, security is equally important for organizations and businesses and will lead to subsequent demand for managers in CISM.
Equally, a lot of advancements will be experienced in the field. Managers may rise to higher leadership positions in an organization. For instance, those that continue to further their education stand greater chances of being promoted to higher levels and being bestowed with more responsibility. For instance, a project manager in an organization may rise to be the chief information officer of the same organization.
Without doubt, computer and information systems management is a field that is growing tremendously. The numerous opportunities based in the field leave a lot to be explored by those willing to join the field. However, the growth also demands that those who want to venture in the field acquire a lot of skills and exhibit fine excellence too. It is clear that this field requires utmost commitment and desire in order to succeed.
Most organizations require managers who can work with tight deadlines and taut budgets. It thus calls for managers who can work up to this pressure and satisfy the demands of the many clients in the field. As already seen, the salaries are attractive and the benefits too and this should be one of the many incentives that motivates managers to work. However, the implications of embarking on this career lies on the changing trends in technology. For instance, the job description in Appendices 1, the employer prefers an MBA to a degree. Managers may thus need to upgrade their education once in a while or risk being unproductive to their organizations (Wilson, 2011).