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The name of any project will always give some insight into the activities and the dealings of any community based project. The council of mothers and their children addresses issues that deal with the plight of both women and children. The development of any proposal towards addressing of issues within the society should be designed such that from the very formative introductory remarks, the reader is able to figure out the objects of the organisation.
According to Mayo (Mayo, 1977, p 121) the vision of the organisation alludes to the inherent targets and driving pillars of any organisation. NCSMC clearly shows from the vision statement that it does endear to empower and respond to the plight of these two vulnerable groups. The needs of the single mothers are insurmountable and therefore the need to have an outfit that would perhaps address this issues saliently. Within the vision, it is evident that the founding segment of society feels that the legal standing of the mother and their children is at stake.
Overall, there is the need for children and mothers to be legally protected against any infringement into their rights. The outfit developed is meant to form a platform and a forum within which the follow-up for these critical human rights can be addressed and used in addressing the issues afflicting this tidal yet very vulnerable groups of society. The organisation also has a critical role of informing the parents on the government on the goings-on within the women and children spheres and making proposals towards combating the challenges.
Community development organisation should spell out clearly their critical objectives and protection of the rights of the targets groups. Within this section, the critical human rights and life goals are stated to make clear the intention of the organisation within society and to inform the general public on their expectations from the organisation.
The organisation will always give a brief background within which the driving force behind the formation of the society or the organisation is based. The background also tries to describe the state under which the organisation is functioning stating the inherent weakness and the strength of the environment. Similarly, the background alludes to the extent that the problem or the challenges being targeted have in any way been addressed and the gap that does exist between the ideal and the state as it is on the ground. Subsequent, this shows the gravity of the problem. Sponsors and well-wishers will come in to address what they deem to be within their jurisdiction or within the precincts of their founding objectives.
According to Andrew (Andrew, 1989, p102) the background will set parameters within which the organisation will be working and the areas that form the central pillars of the organisation. Within this section of the community organisation based initiative, the dates within which concern have been raised is shown and the areas of some of the shocking figures that attract the attention of the organisation. The monitoring of the implementation of the interventional prospects is done within these salient parameters.
The community based initiative has to mention the operation of the earlier players and the extent of the success of the intervention. Within this section, the mention and the quoting of figure is most inevitable and imperative. These figures are basically used in trying to show the gap between the expected state and the ideal state that the intervening organisation has to reach.
It is equally imperative that research that has been handled along the same line is quoted to show the gravity of the issues. Besides, Shirley and Fung (Shirley H., Fung, 1979, p 82) assert that the figure quoted will indicate to any interested parties the need and the possible areas of intervention. It is of equal importance too that the interventional organisation does give in-depth interventional strategies that have been undertaken in the passed so as to indicate the difference with the intended interventional strategy that the organization may adopt thereto. Consequently, the basis for which the organisation intends to intervene would be started so as to show the reason for which the organization has to come in.
The intervention of community based outfits or organisation will always make clear the role of the community within which it is working. Mayo (Mayo, 1977, p 102) argues that this is imperative as it sets the pace and gives the role of the community and facilitates the social feasibility thereto. Once the community within which the organization is functioning supports the initiative, the likelihood of the attainment of the set objectives is quite high.
The cadre of the community that will be involved in the implementation process should equally be identified. This ensures that those who are not directly involved are set aside so as not to interfere or have a role that is not as direct, neither do they deter the implementation process. This does ensure the implementation process does fall in place without much interference. Those who are directly involved also need to know the extent of their involvement. Administratively, this ensures that the duplication of the duties is avoided and that there is a smooth flow of the implementation process.
Shirley and Fung (Shirley H., Fung K., 1979, p 67) argue that research should be undertaken so as to have key data that can guide the implementation process evaluation, monitoring and the follow-up. This research data will also form the basis for the development and determination of the benchmarks for implementers. Subsequent, researches that are congruent taken elsewhere should equally be revisited to assist in gauging the efficacy of the interventional strategy that has been adopted or that is to be adopted.
The need for any civic education should equally be gauged and set aside to the same effect. In cases where the intervention has to involve the education of the community on certain aspects, the training of the trainers should be well stated within the systems approach to community development. In addition, the advancement of the specialised workers to that same course should be made clear and a schedule of activities set aside.
Some times, there could profound effect of community education translating to the attainment of the objectives. Where this effect seems transcending rudimentary levels, it is imperative that the intervention gets to be sets within some slight yet narrow orthodoxy. Perhaps those coming in with the educational interventions should presume any such cognisance. Similarly, the raising of political consciousness falls hard on the intervenors and they should coin out the best option within which they can undertake the education for community development.
Community centres have been termed as the best start point for community civic education and should be largely utilised to leverage set objectives. Somehow the intervention should always be tied to specific and particular issues of the day that are of equal salience. Taking the case of Scotland for example in the years of 1975, the community based initiatives were amalgamated into the local structures of government and used in attainment of objectives that had been earlier termed as out of the reach of the government. This was lobbied within community education and made part of the government initiative yet was simply an initiative of the community.
The context within which any community based association endears to achieve the objectives is near imperative. The establishment of the organisation for the implementation and the source of funds have to be identified prior to the implementation process. Projects started within the community may some times get stalled along the way if they are not well handled. It is therefore very important that the sources of the funds are dully established before the implementation process does kick off.
More often, the workers that are utilised in the implementation process are those that volunteers and may only need to be paid some allowances to the same effect. Frances and Madine (Frances & Madine, 1979, p 401) state that employees who are to be involved therefore need to be well valued and the cost of their services budgeted for effectively and catered for within the implementation budget. Projects have to be implemented through an elaborately evaluated and monitored process. This can only be effective through proper and effective governance structures.
According to Shirley and Fung (Shirley and Fung 1979, p 432) the failures in the management of the implementation process will definitely prone a host of challenges for the community development programs. Subsequently, it becomes imperative and inevitable that the implementing agency develops effective and corruption free systems that ensures the smooth flow of processes and information. According to the systems theory to management, the failure by one of the components within any system may cause the entire systems to halts. Similarly, if the implementation process is faced by any challenges, the problem should be fixed immediately to ensure that the process remains smooth.
The beliefs that dully inculcated within the community of intervention are of equal import to the implementation agency. Those that are involved in the implementation ought to be dully sensitised on the beliefs that would underpin the implementation and the attainment of the objectives thereof. This beliefs form the basis for the development of the strategy that is to be used. Besides, this understands in the development of a rapport that would leverage the objective attainment process through enhanced social feasibility.
On their part Smith and Jones (Smith, L. and Jones, 1981, p 45) state the political orient of a people is of mandatory import in the implementation of any community based initiative. The political lass have to be fully involved to make the entire society view the interventional prospects with some objectivity. In additions this does enhance the political feasibility and support thereto. Rothman (Rothman, 2000, p 112) asserts that politics disfranchises the systems or makes them singular units. Within the strength of this argument, it is imperative that the political class assists in having the systems remain glued together to have the implementation smooth.
While theoretically the dilemma of the systems would not be easily amalgamated, this understanding according to Craig et al (Craig, et al 1982, p 72) would shade sufficient light on the functioning of the systems and the efficacy of coming into operation. Nevertheless, Popple (Popple:, 1995, p346) asserts that the understanding of the functioning of the various systems would assists in the development of effective strategy. Ideally, it is imperative that for the strategy adopted to be successful, the introduced intervention strategy should be able to function with the other existing systems; this satisfies the systems theory of management and administration.
The reinforcement of the operations of community initiatives are very incidental in the sustainability of strategy. Even within the systems theory to management, feedback has to be ardently monitored received and acted upon for the strategy to have effect on the community. The feedback receive can either be reinforced or appropriately modified to tend towards the desired objectives. Consequently the feedback developed should be explicitly and implicitly balancing.
Curno (Curno, 1978, p 73) asserts that sufficient offer of attention to the feedback through the project life is of paramount importance and should be treated thus. This should be done regardless of the dialogue context, task context nor private conversation. Feedbacks on the cultures, artefacts, and practice are of salient positioning within the implementation framework. Similarly, the values and objectives of the sponsors have to be treated as central components of the implementation phase of the community development programme under review.
The community project would have number stages with the system dynamics have central role within the implementation schedule. In tandem with the follow-up prospects, Ohri et al (Ohri, A., Manning, B. and Curno, 1982, p 102) explain that the contractual techniques adopted should be in line with the principle standards of the organisation. This would go a long way in supporting the attainment of the objectives. While the principle of system darkness assumes that there can exist no systems that would be known totally, the implementing agency has the entire obligation in ensuring that it understands the system to the very core of possibility and always strive towards the same.
The building of trust amongst the participants is imperative. According to Craig et al (Craig et al 1979, p 65) it is from this trust that it becomes possible to develop a meaningful and a contextually applicable model. It is within this regard that interdependencies that are obscure seem to become slightly visible. The possibilities of confrontations among stakeholder have to be addressed through his lucid understanding. Besides, the lack of responsibility for the outcome becomes imperative and possible. In line and hand in hand the possibility of addressing this becomes almost definite and therefore supports the attainment of the objectives.
Theories have to be developed for the enhancement of change and addressing of critical issues. Subsequently, Eade (Eade 1997, p 35) assert that the simulation of the system via the use models assists in assessing the effect of the action strategies. Members of the group can also have the chance of testing their own theories and develop subsequent strategies thereof. According to Popple (Popple, 1995, p 345) this reduces the likelihood of depending so much on the overly simplistic solutions to the issues being addressed. Subsequently, some ancillary effect would be equally forthcoming resulting into the awareness of the members of the group of their responsibilities and stakes thereto.
Most importantly, the identification of the cadre of the feedback attained is paramount and critical. The feed back that is identified whether amplifying or reinforcing determines the step of action. Most importantly, this could imply motion o the requisite direction or to the opposite direction. Altogether the implementer should avoid feedback that would result in the negative vicious cycles.
It is evident from the foregoing discussion that community development initiatives of private organization based at this level have very critical roles in the protection of the vulnerable and the marginalized. Similarly, it has been recouped that intervention alone is not enough but also the subsequent follow-up process. However the development of requisite strategy and the implementation of the strategies are the cardinal components of community based initiatives.
The community that has to benefit from the initiative has to be dully involved if the strategy and the set objective have to be somehow achieved and substantively so. In this cases the community has to be fully involved in the development strategies that can assist in meeting the set goals and objectives. This ensures that policy and strategies being implemented and adopted can be effective and implemented with much efficacy. Feasibility are imperative in the attainment of solid objectives; whence economic, political and social feasibility are imperatively of essence.