law school addendum

� Optional Statement on Diversity: Describe an experience of yours that speaks to the possibilities and challenges of diversity in an educational or a workplace setting.
� Optional Statement on Obstacles Overcome: Describe a setback or a failure in your life. What did you do to overcome that obstacle? What did you learn about yourself from that experience? If this situation happened again, would you do anything differently?
� Optional Statement about Your Academic Record or Standardized Tests: If you believe that your academic record or your results from standardized tests, like the LSAT, does not accurately reflect your ability to succeed in law school, tell us about this.
� Optional Statement Regarding Disability: If you believe that you have a disability that prevented your college GPA, LSAT, or other credential from accurately reflecting your ability, and you would like these disability-related circumstances to be considered, identify your disability. Please provide a statement that tells us how the disability prevented or hindered your academic performance, and the following information: (a) The date of onset or discovery of your disability; (b) the effects of your disability on your past academic performance and on standardized tests; (c) what, if any, accommodations you received in elementary, high school, college and graduate school; (d) any improvements in your academic performance after receiving accommodations; and (e) the ways in which your performance reflects your high achievements despite your disability.

Please write a maximum of 750 words.