Government Policy Paper
Select a government policy that deals with an issue, such as anti-trust (ATT break-up, Microsoft trial, …), regulation (pollution control, the Sarbanes Oxley Act, the American Clean Energy And Security ct of 2009 (Waxman-Markley Cap and Trade bill)), subsidies (welfare, farm support, Medicare, Cash-for-Clunkers program,…), or taxation (tax cuts, solar or ethanol tax credits, ..) The paper should address some, or all issues below:
* Background, rationales, and goals of the program/policy.
* Who were the intended target, and who actually benefited or were hurt by the program/policy?
* How does the program/policy affect consumers and producers welfare?
All papers must be in Microsoft Word format, typed, double-spaced, proofread, spell-checked, and between 2-5 pages (700-2000 words) in length.