Police Administration: Community Oriented Policing

Topic: Police Administration: Community Oriented Policing
Researched Based Essay on Community Oriented Policing
How you would deal with that police issue as a CEO (Chief of Police).
• Explain what Community Oriented Policing is (researched based), kinds of policies and practices you would implement, identify problems that your policies may create, and how you would handle those challenges.
• “How would you deal with Community Oriented Policing?”) Assume that you are being interviewed by a panel of qualified administrators to become a chief of police.
• Then write a response (researched based) on how you would deal with Community Oriented Policing as a police chief; what would you do to manage or solve any issues.
“Community Oriented Policing is….”
“How would you deal with Community Oriented Policing as the chief of police?”
“Research shows that the best way to handle Community Oriented Policing is to….”