Good essay writing is an acquired skill. In order to do well on your course you should make every effort to learn this skill. The highest marks are awarded to those who write their essays as a sociologically informed argument.
To identify, explain and deliver a direct and clear answer to the question. Your mission is to identify, explain and deliver a clear line of argument. Being well-organized is the key to success Try to avoid repetition. Start with definitions Move to why, where, how, when and for whom questions Work on analytical conundrums Develop potential points of argument Crafting Introductions and Conclusions. Introduction should include: A statement on the issues at stake in light of the question that is being addressed opening paragraph “The concept of the habitus is one of Pierre Bourdieu’s core concerns and it has inspired a great deal of sociological research. For example, ….consider this……There is some debate to be had, however, over the precise ways in which Bourdieu intended this concept to be used. It is also the case that we might question the extent to which it exists more as a theoretical premise than an actual form of experience…” (100-150 words) A clear statement of argument. “This essay will argue that in his concept of the habitus Bourdieu aimed to…… It will further argue that…. In this a particular focus will be brought to….It will contend that his achievement here lies in …” (100-150 words) An outline of the structure and design of the essay. “In the first section I outline some of the ways in which Bourdieu defined and developed the concept of ‘the habitus’… through his work. In the second section I explore his aims and objects when bringing a focus to the habitus. Here I will focus on his work in….The third section of the essay offers a critical assessment of Bourdieu’s analysis of the habitus by…..” (100-150 words) The Conclusion should include: A paragraph explaining what you have . In this essay I have explored Bourdieu’s conception of the habitus and what he achieved by this. In the opening section…etc.. (100-150 words) A restatement of the argument…I have argued that… (100-150 words) A brief outline of the possible implications of your argument and the questions that might be raised from here. (100-150 words) Only include material that is relevant for the task set by the question (eg. do not write things like ‘Pierre Bourdieu was a French sociologist. He was employed as a Professor at …) After you have a good collection of relevant notes, begin writing your introduction so that you can start to think through how the essay will work Be prepared to develop your thoughts as you write Revise and if necessary re-write your introduction at the end of the first draft of the essay so that it reflects the development of your thoughts about the issues you have raised Referencing: Include plenty of references to support knowledge claims. Use references to add value and depth to your points of analysis and argument. Use academic articles as a guide to frequency of referencing. INCLUDE MOSTLY JOURNALS, ACADEMIC ARTICLES, BOOKS AND VERY LITTLE WEBSITE SOURCES INCLUDE AS MANY SOURCES AS POSSIBLE.