The GEM research program is an annual assessment of the national level of entrepreneurial activity. As of 2002, there were 37 countries which participated in this study. Overall, GEM provides information on the entrepreneurial landscape of countries in a global context, attempting to study and track entrepreneurial behaviour worldwide.
Write a 2,500 word report, Arial/Times New Roman Size 11, 1.5 spacing paper, critically analysing the underlying reasons for the difference in entrepreneurial capacity of 2 countries (I will be choosing U.K and Singapore). of your choice as detailed in the GEM reports (the report you choose must be in English). Your report should address 4-5 key differences. The topics can range from the 12 pillars of competitiveness in the Global Competitiveness Index Report, to the Corruption Perception Index and/or lecture topics covered in Weeks 1-7. To conclude this research, you need to make recommendations on the attractiveness for global entrepreneurs to operate in the countries evaluated.
Note: You should use at least 15 peer-reviewed journal articles to support your assignment.
Here is the criteria of this report:
1.Executive Summary: 5%
Introduction / Overview: 15%
Introduction to the report
Background information on Country 1 and 2
2.Body: 60%
Scope of research
Depth of analysis
Depth of supporting evidence
Use of theory throughout your paper #
3.Implications and Recommendations: 10%