In Week 3 you worked with the 2nd set of Homicide Data based on the spreadsheet I provided and the datafor a third state that you procured from the FBI’s website. The specific topic was State Long Term Trends& Patterns. You compared three states to one another and to the national data that were examined in Week2.
Writing Assignment 1 directs you to address the following issues based on Weeks 2 & 3.
1. 30pts. What does the Week 2 graph show about the trend in Homicide Rates across a 50+ year
Make sure you offer as many Explanations as possible [not descriptions of the trends as
these are already available in the notes].
2. 45 pts.
In Week 3 you compared three states to the National data AND to each other in terms of theHomicide and Non-negligent Manslaughter rate and you created a graph.
Compare the three states to the US AND to each other in terms of the Homicide and NonnegligentManslaughter rate and discuss the following:
1. Do the three states show the same trend across time as the national data?
2. Which state looks the most like the national trend?
3. Which states, if any, look closer to one another?
3. 25pts. Best Possible Explanation / Hypothesis
After studying the data, what is your Best Possible Hypothesis concerning:
1. Why one of the states shows Homicide rates that are closer to the national results?
2. Why the two states that look more alike do so.
Your paper must be word-processed, double spaced, with margins of 1″ on all four sides, with page
numbers, and Times New Roman 12 font. The paper MUST be a minimum of 5 typed pages and amaximum of 6.
Some of you may inevitably want to submit a longer paper. But, please be advised that itwill generally not be necessary to write more than about 5-6 pages to cover all the required itemssatisfactorily.
For Issue #2 above, you need to cut and paste the graph from your analyses into an Appendix so I can seethe data for myself. Naturally, I already have the Issue # 1 results from the BJS main page.v