Physical Health and Education

Order type: Coursework

Develop an overview/programme for a set of 6 – 8 integrated and sequential lessons for a Primary School Health
topic. Write up in detail 2 of these lessons – these will need to be presented in lesson plan format ensuring all
essential components are included to demonstrate ability to plan appropriately within this learning area.
The programme of work will be based on sound content knowledge of the Health area chosen and a Rationale of
authenticate planning
As Phase 3 of the National Curriculum for Health and Physical Education is an essential element of
teaching practise.

The focus of these lessons is on the ??�Health’ component of the HPE learning area.
Demonstrate the process for a planning through inclusion of:
• Rationale (links to research / articles / school survey – why is this considered important?),
• Structured overview/programme of your lessons including; (what/who/why/how)
• Lesson Aim
• Lesson Summary
• Links to state curriculum documents/syllabus and
• Curricula learning area integration
• Formative and/or Summative Assessment for each lesson
• Resources
• Special considerations – ie bikes/ tools/props/ environment/expert help etc
Logically sequenced lessons and varied learning activities to achieve intended aims demonstrated
• Two detailed Lesson Plans with specific objectives and assessments – both formative and summative
• A clear; Introduction / Body- Activity / Conclusion
• All resources/links to resources included in the plan
• Where appropriate catering for class diversity / inclusivity