Women’s Health

For this final exam, you are required to do the following:
1. Women and their Bodies (Textbook)
a. Go through the Women and their Bodies text online and identify 25
themes/topics that you are interested in finding around campus and your life
and documenting. For example, one “theme” of the text is freedom and choice
over one’s body. Another “topic” is STIs.
b. Document these topic/themes and type them in a word document as a list.
i. Type using the following format:
1. Use Times New Roman font
2. Size 12 font
3. 1 inch margins
ii. Type the following, respective to what you chose:
1. Theme: Freedom and choice over one’s body
2. Theme: xxxxxxxx
3. Theme: xxxxxxx
4. Topic: STIs
5. Topic: xxxxxx
And so on and so forth until you have reached 25. These themes/topics can
consist of whatever you would like from the text and any number. So you can
chose 10 themes and 15 topics or 5 themes and 20 topics or any other number
arrangement you would like.
c. Next, once the word document is created, go around campus, to stores, to
neighborhoods, etc… and take selfies identifying with these themes/topics.
d. Once you have taken the pictures, paste them under the respective theme/topic
name on your word document.
e. Please try to make the pictures all one size if possible. Also, these pictures need
to be appropriate and adhere to IU Code of Conduct. Keep in mind that if you do
take pictures that threaten yourself, threaten others, or have threat from others
towards you I have to report according to Indiana State Law.
f. Next, under the picture, interpret the picture and link it to the theme/topic.
Then cite where in the text you are referencing this theme/topic including the
page number.
i. Type using the following format:
2 | SPH H305 Final Exam
1. Use Times New Roman font
2. Size 12 font
3. 1 inch margins
4. NOT BOLDED TEXT! Meaning, only the Theme title/Topic title:
Respective Theme/topic should be bolded. The interpretation
should be in normal typeface/format.
2. Social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Magazines, Movies, Songs, Pinterest, TV
shows, class lecture)
a. Identify 25 topics on social media using any of the mentioned options next to
option 2.
b. Document these topic/themes and type them as a list in the same word
document as the text/pictures.
i. Type using the following format:
1. Use Times New Roman font
2. Size 12 font
3. 1 inch margins
ii. Type the following, respective to what you chose:
1. Topic: STIs
2. Topic: xxxxxx
And so on and so forth until you have reached 25. These topics can consist of
whatever you would like related to what we have covered in class and other
topics as they directly relate to women’s health.
c. Next, once the word document is added to, upload pictures of the topic by either
copying and pasting/taking a screenshot and pasting.
d. Once you have copied the picture/screenshot, paste them under the respective
topic name on your word document.
e. Please try to make the pictures all one size if possible. Also, these pictures need
to be appropriate and adhere to IU Code of Conduct. Keep in mind that if you do
take pictures that threaten yourself, threaten others, or have threat from others
towards you I have to report according to Indiana State Law.
f. Next, under the picture, interpret the picture and link it to the topic. Then cite
both the social media cite AND where in the text you are referencing this topic
including the page number: (Boston Women’s Health Collective, 1970, p. xx).
i. Write using the following format:
1. Use Times New Roman font
2. Size 12 font
3. 1 inch margins
4. NOT BOLDED TEXT! Meaning, only the Theme title/Topic title:
Respective Theme/topic should be bolded. The interpretation
should be in normal typeface/format.
