What type of an economic system does this country have?

Question description

1. Why is it important to study the political systems of a particular country?

2. What constitutes the political system of a country?

3. What type of a political system does this country have? What is the level of political risk associated with this country?

4. How is the legal system of that country? What is the level of corruption in that country?

5. What type of an economic system does this country have?

6. Is the political and business landscape favorable for doing business in that country?

7. Organize your answers with headings and sub-headings in a paper format. Please do not use the questions as your headings. Use the APA style with in-text citations. Make sure you have a Table of Contents with page numbers.

8. Please do not use the questions as headings/sub-headings for your report.

9. Google Political risk and Economic risk for your specific country.

10. Ease of Doing Business Index (Links to an external site.), Index of Economic Freedom Index (Links to an external site.), Index of Political Freedom (Links to an external site.), Corruption Index (Links to an external site.), doingbusiness.org/rankings (Links to an external site.), ambest country rankings (Links to an external site.), Human Development Reports (Links to an external site.), Gross National Happiness Index, World Happiness Report (Links to an external site.), Global Slavery Index (Links to an external site.). These are MANDATORY references

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