Using one past major purchase you have been involved in (for example, an appliance, a house or car, or your education), describe the process using the five stages that people go through in the buying process. Explain how the degree of involvement impacts the purchase process decision. Include what your degree of involvement was for the product in the previous step.

Question description

You learned about consumer behavior in this module. An organization cannot persuade a customer to purchase a product or service without understanding the basics of “how people buy.”

In a 3-page paper, address these points:

  • Describe why businesses study consumer behavior.
  • Using one past major purchase you have been involved in (for example, an appliance, a house or car, or your education), describe the process using the five stages that people go through in the buying process.
  • Explain how the degree of involvement impacts the purchase process decision. Include what your degree of involvement was for the product in the previous step.

When a customer continually returns to a given company because of satisfaction, we call that customer loyalty. In your paper, also include the following:

  • What does customer loyalty mean to you?
  • Compare and contrast customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
  • Think back to your own personal experiences with customer loyalty. Explain one situation that really stands out. What makes you loyal to that company, product, service, etc.?

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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