- Attached please note the Research Paper:
- Paper requires to be finalized.
- Please follow instructions below to complete the Paper.
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- One page:
- Implementation of the Research
- This session should go right after the “Methodology” Chapter.
- Note the “Schedule of Activities” spreadsheet that I have attached for you to consider activities carried out. Those should be developed/detailed within the “Implementation of the Research” session.
- Two pages:
- Data Analysis
- This session should go right after the “Implementation of the Research” session.
- Make Data Analysis based on info given in the “Data” spreadsheet.
- Insert graphics and tables as advised by your criteria or considerations as a statistician.
To better assist you in understanding the data input within the “Data” spreadsheet, please be advised of the following:
- Within the “Telemonitored” sheet:
- Results were tracked for two weeks.
- “X” stands for “Patient did not report”
- Normal Level should be between 70-110 mg/dl
- “Checked at Health Center” sheet:
- Results were tracked for two weeks.
- “X” stands for “Patient did not attend to appointment”
- The number in redhighlightsa result that led to patient hospitalization.
- “Empty” cell for “No appointment was scheduled”
- Normal Level should be between 70-110 mg/dl
- Statistical Analysis
- Analyze the data through a statistical method you pick.
- Data to analyze is collected in the attached “Data” spreadsheet.
- Note clarification given above for better guidance in understanding the content of the “Data” spreadsheet.
- Insert graphics and tables as advised by your criteria or considerations as a statistician.
- One page:
- Conclusions: Please write conclusions of the Research Paper
- Recommendations: Please write recommendations of the Research Paper
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