Training Program Manual
For your final project you are to create a training manual for an organizational program. For example, a
training manual for a new employee “active shooter response” training, or a new employee
“orientation” training, or an employee “new policies and procedures” training, etc. The choices are
endless. This project utilizes everything you have learned about employee training and development
throughout the term. It should be designed to look like a training manual, and while it may include
narrative it is not a narrative essay. It is acceptable, when appropriate, to use bullet points, text boxes,
any design that you would like. You are not subscribed to any word count or page minimum as I would
like for students to give me what they consider to be their “A” work. The information below includes
the necessary components of the training manual. Everything in bold should be included as a heading in
your manual.
Training Program Manual Components
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction: Organizational overview: Description, type of business, mission statement, etc.
Training Program Overview: the what, who, where, when and why.
3. Training Program Title: Give your training program a title
4. Training Program Goals: List 3 to 5 Goals
5. Training Program Learning Outcomes: List 3 to 5 Outcomes
6. Needs Assessment Plan: This is a major portion of your manual. See the Three Step Needs
Assessment Process in your text for additional information. You must include:
1. Organizational Analysis
2. People Analysis
3. Task Analysis
4. Outcomes of the Analysis
5. Questions to be answered in your Needs Assessment Plan:
What do trainees need to learn? State in terms of goals and outcomes.
Who should receive the training? By job duties or geographic location or?
What training method is appropriate? Traditional, e-learning, blended,
computer?When and how often should training be delivered? Immediately, in a week,
Is this a training problem or should other HR options such as job redesign be
How should the training be evaluated? Observation, Surveys, Interviews, focus
How should training-transfer be optimized? Learning theory, climate, feedback.
How will this impact the Budget? Probable cost/benefit
7. Resources Needed: Describe any resources needed, e.g. computer, projector, room, bandwith
8. Timeline: Describe the timeline for implementation of your training program
9. Curriculum, Course and Lesson Design: Describe the Lesson Design (For purposes of the class we
recognize that Curricula exist, but it is unlikely teams will take on such large projects as LPN
10. Assessment plan for participants: How will you know they learned anything from your training
11. Assessment plan for your Training Program: How will you know if you met your goals for the
12. Transfer of Training Strategy: Write overview of plan to ensure what is learned in the program is
once the participants are back on the job.
13. Budgetary Impact: Describe budgetary impact
14. Reference Page:
NOTE: The document should be prepared with the perspective that any competent HR practitioner
should be able to deliver the training from the design.
*APA formatting required for research including the analysis, cover page, sourcing in the body of the
paper and reference page.