Response and Motor Vehicle Law


Class-EMS 4303. Legal. Political, and Regulatory Environment in EMS 4 Review the following side Bar
scenarios in your textbook and choose one for the basis of your assignment EMT Response and
Motor Vehicle Law (p. 13). NOTE: You will continue to use this same scenario in Unit Ill and IV as the
basis for a course project that concludes in Unit Vll. For this assignment; pretend you are the aide
for a defense attorney representing the EMS agency in the selected case. You will need to analyze
the scenario and prepare a brief for the attorney on your findings. (If you choose the second case.
the subject in the scenario should not be taken in the first-person context but rather just as an EMT
provider.) Consider the scenario as 6 the organization you are representing were in your own state.
and focus on the relevance of your state’s laws to the scenario. You may consider locating a past
similar case to help guide your briefing. Paper at a minimum should address the following
questions: ls this a case that would most likely be tried in a civil or criminal court? Why? What are
three questions that you feel must be answered by the personnel involved before you can begin to
prepare a defense? ldentlfir the difierence in scope and responsibility of any federal. state. or local
laws and regulations that would impact the outcome of the case. How would you demonstrate that
the personnel involved were aware of these laws or regulations? APA style/format at least three
pages with three references, may include peer-reviewed articles. professional organization websites.


